Tax certificate

This service does not implement a web application environment for the submission of tax certificates, but a web service that provides the required functionality (API) for the storage and management of tax certificates by certified users. This API does not provide any User Interface, but can be used by other applications to develop the required environment.

End users of the service must be certified myAADE users.


(last updated on 16-05-2012, to support the “non-assignment” registration in cases where audit takeover is not accepted by the audited company) 


Note: for the test environment, use testgsisapps instead of gsisapps as mentioned in the documentation.


ATTENTION: The enhanced specifications were activated on 13/07/2015 in the test environment in order to prepare the companies involved. You will be informed about the activation date of the changes in the production environment through our relevant announcements.

 In order to cover the changes included in Annex II of Circular 1124/2015, the following additions/changes have been made: 

1. The main Business Activity Code (the one with the largest turnover) of the audited company was added. The Main Business Code registration will be checked by the submission application.

2. The remuneration of auditor(s) or the audit firm in Euros has been added with two decimal places. It will be mandatory to register the remuneration either to the auditor(s) or to the audit firm. The registration of remunerations will be controlled by the application.

3. An optional field that determines whether "Issues (prorata, settlement of fixed assets, etc.) which, while arising during the audit, have not been check due to the lack of time for its obligation" has been added. Entering the field is mandatory for fiscal years 2014 onwards and will be controlled by the submission application.

4. Value 3 (Foreign Business Branch) to the legalEntityTypeId accepted values has been added.

5. In the special elements of Property Taxation (estateTaxSubject_Type), value 4 (Goodwill Tax from Real Estate Adjustment) has remained in the scheme, but this value will not be accepted for the submissions concerning years 2014 onwards. The meaning of values ​​1, 2 and 3 has also changed to reflect the values ​​specified in Circular 124/2015.

6. Due to the rearrangement of the Withheld Taxe elements, a new element was created in the xsd (the withheldTaxVer2015) which is an alternative to the older withheldTax. For 2014 submissions, the application will only accept the use of this new element.

7. Due to the abolition of the Book of Codes and Records and the entry into force of the Code of Tax Display of Transactions, a new element was created in the xsd (kfas) which is an alternative to the older kvs. For 2014 submissions, the application will only accept the use of this new element.

8. In the elements mentioned in the findings’ tables, in the tax subject of control (taxSubject_Type) the value 3 for year 2014 will not be accepted, while for the same year value 10 is available, which means " Code of Tax Display of Transactions".

9. The ability to use the taxReformIdentification element of xsd, which specifies that "The percentage of reformed expenses..." has been removed from the Tax Certificate based on Circular 1124/2015, but has remained xsd for compatibility reasons. Its use is not allowed for uses from 2014 onwards.


CLIENT APPLICATION FOR ATTACHED FILES ( Specifications’ Version 1.2 ) Client application including calls for upload/download attached files in a tax certificate


For certified access to the test environment of the Tax Certificate Submission Service, please send an e-mail here indicating your full name (or company name), position, contact number and email.

Please note that only xml files that follow the specification’s new xsd version (v1.2) are supported in the test environment.