Disclosure of offenders in relation to liquor

Full Name/Company Name Full postal address of the natural or legal person Decision Type of violation Business sealing duration in days Type of violation
«Κ.ΚΑΓΚΑΝΗΣ & ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε.», δ. τ. «BAD HABIT» Οδός Κολοκοτρώνη 18-20, Σταυρούπολη Θεσσαλονίκης, τ.κ. 56430 1888/30-01-2025 Απόφαση 3ου Τελωνείου Ε.Φ.Κ. Θεσσαλονίκης Διαπίστωση αγοράς προς διάθεσης μίας φιάλης με περιεχόμενο 1.307 ml αλκοολούχου ποτού, η οποία δεν συνοδεύονταν απο τα νόμιμα φορολογικά παραστατικά και για την οποία δεν είχαν τηρηθεί οι τελωνειακές διατυπώσεις. Η παραπάνω πράξη συνιστά το αδίκημα της λαθρεμπορίας κατ΄άρθρα 119Α παρ.2, 142 παρ. 2 και 155 παρ. 1β και 2ζ του ν. 2960/01 και επισύρει το πρόστιμο του άρθρου 150 παρ. 1 του ίδιου νόμου και τα μέτρο της σφράγισης της εγκατάστασης και της δημοσιοποίησης των στοιχείων παραβάσεων και παραβατών του άρθρου 119Α παρ. 5 του ίδιου επίσης νόμου. Δέκα (10) ημέρες, από 31-01-2025 ώρα 11:00 έως 10-02-2025 ώρα 11:00 Alcohol Smuggling
ΛΕΤΣΙΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ του ΣΤΕΡΓΙΟΥ ΟΔ. Πολυτεχνείου αρ. 46, Τύρναβος, Ν. Λάρισας 2393/04-02-2025 Απόφαση Τελωνείου Λάρισας Διαπιστώθηκε η κατοχή ποσότητας τριάντα ενός (31) λίτρων προϊόντος απόσταξης διήμερου μικρού αποσταγματοποιού, η οποία δεν συνοδευόταν από τα νόμμα παραστατικά κατοχής και για την οποία δεν είχαν τηρηθεί οι νόμιμες τελωνειακές διατυπώσεις. Η παραπάνω πράξη συνιστά το αδίκημα της λαθρεμπορίας κατ΄άρθρα 119Α παρ.2, 142 παρ. 2 και 155 παρ. 1β και 2ζ του ν. 2960/01 και επισύρει το πρόστιμο του άρθρου 150 παρ. 1 του ίδιου νόμου και τα μέτρο της σφράγισης της εγκατάστασης και της δημοσιοποίησης των στοιχείων παραβάσεων και παραβατών του άρθρου 119Α παρ. 5 του ίδιου επίσης νόμου. Δέκα πέντε(15) ημέρες, από 12.02.2025 έως 27.02.2025 Alcohol Smuggling
ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΜΙΜΙΚΟΣ του ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ, δ.τ. "ΚΑΦΕΝΕΙΟ ΟΥΖΕΡΙ ΜΙΜΙΚΟΣ" ΑΓ.ΑΝΑΡΓΥΡΩΝ 62, ΒΟΛΟΣ 2109/07.02.24 απόφαση Τελωνείου Βόλου Διαπίστωση κατοχής προς διάθεση ποσότητας 58,75 λίτρων προϊόντος απόσταξης δήμερων μικρών αποσταγματοποιών, η οποία δεν συνοδεύονταν από τα νόμιμα παραστατικά κατοχής και για την οποία δεν είχαν τηρηθεί οι νόμιμες τελωνειακές διατυπώσεις. Η παραπάνω πράξη συνιστά το αδίκημα της λαθρεμπορίας κατ΄άρθρα 119Α παρ.2, 142 παρ. 2 και 155 παρ. 1β και 2ζ του ν. 2960/01 και επισύρει το πρόστιμο του άρθρου 150 παρ. 1 του ίδιου νόμου και τα μέτρο της σφράγισης της εγκατάστασης και της δημοσιοποίησης των στοιχείων παραβάσεων και παραβατών του άρθρου 119Α παρ. 5 του ίδιου επίσης νόμου. Δέκα πέντε(15) ημέρες, από 10/02/2025 έως 25/02/2025 Alcohol Smuggling
ΑΛΕΞΟΥΛΗΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ του ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΟΥ, δ.τ. ΠΥΘΑΡΙ 32, DIMOKRATIAS AVENUE, TYRNAVOS, LARISSΑ PREFECTURE, P.C. 40100 Decision no. 2394/04-02-2025 of the Head of the Larissa Customs Department Detection of possession and distribution of a quantity of 4.35 liters of a small distillery product, which was not accompanied by the legal documents of possession and for which the legal customs formalities had not been complied with. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b & 2g) of Law 2960/01 and entails the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measures of sealing the establishment and publishing the details of violations and violators of article 119A(5) of the same law. Ten (10) days, from 05.02.2025 to 15.02.2025 Alcohol Smuggling
«BARCAFE 2024 ΜΟΝΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ Ι.Κ.Ε.» Asprovalta Beach, Thessaloniki Prefectural Unit, P.C. 57021 Decision 980/17-01-2025 of the Head of the 3rd Incise Tax Customs Office of Thessaloniki Following an on-site inspection, the possession and disposal of twenty-seven (27) bottles containing 18.4 liters of alcoholic beverages was found, which were not accompanied by the legal possession documents. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b & 2g) of Law 2960/01 and entails the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measures of sealing the establishment and publishing the details of violations and violators of article 119A(5) of the same law. Ten (10) days, from 17/01/2025 at 11:00 to 27/01/2025 at 11:00 Alcohol Smuggling
ΠΑΤΕΛΟΥΔΗΣ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΣ του ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΚΑΦΕ EXCELLENT PENTALOFOS, ORESTIADA PUBLICATION DECISION: 186/24-01-2025 OF ORESTIADA PREFECTURE CUSTOMS OFFICE Determination of the possession and disposal of eighteen (18) bottles of alcoholic beverages, which were not accompanied by the legal possession documents. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b & 2g) of law 2960/01 and entails the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measures of sealing the establishment and publishing the details of violations and violators of article 119A(5) of the same law. Ten (10) days from 24/01/2025 to 02/02/2025 Alcohol Smuggling
«ΛΟΥΚΙΔΗΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ & ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε.», δ. τ. ΠΡΙΓΚΗΠΟΣ 22, Apostolou Pavlou Street, Thessaloniki, postal code 54635 Prot. no. 702/14-01-2025 Decision of the 3rd Customs Office of Excise Tax of Thessaloniki Detection of possession and disposal of a quantity of 7.28 liters of small distillery distillate product, which was not accompanied by the legal tax documents and for which the customs formalities provided for by law had not been complied with. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b & 2g) of law 2960/01 and entails the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment and the publication of the details of violations and violators of article 119A(5) of the same law. Ten (10) days, from 14-01-2025 to 24-01-2025 Alcohol Smuggling
decision 4450/12-11-2024 of Preveza Customs Detection of possession and disposal of eight and a half liters (8.5) of a small distiller's distillate product, which was not accompanied by the legal tax information of possession. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b & 2g) of Law 2960/01 and incurs the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measure of sealing the installation of article 119A(5) of the same law. ten (10) days: 12-11-2024 to 22-11-2024 Alcohol Smuggling
ΛΟΥΚΑΣ ΠΕΡΙΚΛΗΣ του ΒΕΛΙΣΣΑΡΙΟΥ - δ.τ. ΤΑΒΕΡΝΑ "ΒΕΛΙΣΣΑΡΙΟΣ" VRACHOS, MUNICIPALITY OF PREVEZA – P.C. 48062 decision 4425/11-11-2024 of Preveza Customs Determination of possession and disposal of ten (10) liters of ouzo in bulk, which were not accompanied by the legal tax information of possession. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b & 2g) of law 2960/01 and incurs the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of article 119A(5) of the same law. ten (10) days: 11-11-2024 to 21-11-2024 Alcohol Smuggling
Decision 1187/01-10-2024 of Zakynthos Customs Detection of possession and disposal of two (2) bottles of alcoholic beverages, which were not accompanied by the legal documents of possession. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b & 2g) of law 2960/01 and entails the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of article 119A(5) of the same law. ten (10) days: from 01-1O-2024 to 11-10-2024 Alcohol Smuggling
ΑΝΔΡΩΝΑΣ ΝΙΚ. ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΣ, δ.τ. ALKOHOL WORLD LAGANAS, ZAKYNTHOS, PC 29092 No. 1491/05-12-2024 Decision of Zakynthos Customs Determination of possession and disposal of two hundred and twenty (220) bottles of alcoholic beverages, which were not accompanied by the legal documents of possession. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b and 2g) of law 2960/01 and entails the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of article 119A(5) of the same law. fifteen (15) days: 06-12-2024 to 21-12-2024 Alcohol Smuggling
ΑΤΛΑΝΤΙΣ ΕΞΤΕΕ LAGANAS, ZAKYNTHOS, PC 29092 No. 1498/06-12-2024 Decision of Zakynthos Customs Determination of possession and disposal of twenty-two (22) bottles of alcoholic beverages, which were not accompanied by the legal documents of possession. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling under articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b and 2g) of law 2960/01 and entails the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of article 119A(5) of the same law. ten (10) days: 06-12-2024 to 16-12-2024 Alcohol Smuggling
GRAVOUNA, PREF. OF KAVALA, PO Box: 64200 αρ. 9468/27-11-2024 απόφαση δημ/σης Τελωνείου Καβάλας
Seizure of a quantity of 2lt of small distillers' distillation product, which was made available for sale by a mini market company, without complying with the prescribed customs formalities in order to evade the corresponding taxes. Acknowledgment of a completed sale on the market of a quantity of 3lt of the same product as above. The above actions constitute the crime of smuggling according to articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(1b) and 155(2g) of L.2960/01 and attract the fine of article 150(1) of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of article 119A(5) of the same law.
Ten (10) days from: 27-11-2024 (08:00 am) until 07-12-2024 (08:00 am)
Alcohol Smuggling
ΠΕΤΡΑΚΙΔΟΥ ΣΟΦΙΑ του ΠΑΣΧΑΛΗ ΠΕΤΡΑΚΙΔΟΥ ΜΑΡΙΑ του ΠΑΣΧΑΛΗ MUNICIPAL UNIT OF KOUFALIA OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CHALKIDONA, PREF. OF THESSALONIKI, P.O. 57100 Decision 55EMP/25.10.2024 of the 3rd Excise Tax Customs Office of Thessaloniki Seizure of a quantity of seventeen (17) liters of two-day distiller's distillate hydrates, which had been distilled from pot stills without a valid distilling license. The above action constitutes the crime of smuggling according to articles 119A(2), 142(2) and 155(2g) of Law 2960/01 (A 265) "National Customs Code" and entails the imposition of an administrative fine under no. 150(1) of L.2960/01, as well as the imposition of the measures of sealing the facility and making public the details of the offenders, the violation, etc. according to article 119A(5) of the same law and Decision 1006/2024 (B 412). Ten (10) days from 24.10.2024 at 11:00 a.m. until 03.11.2024 at 11:00 am Alcohol Smuggling
7480/07-10-2024 Following an on-site inspection at the establishment of the person to be disclosed, a quantity of 100 litres of ethyl alcohol/alcoholic beverages of article 80 of Law 2960/01 (A΄265) was found in a plastic tank of 150-litre capacity. The quantity in question had been produced by means of a distillation machine for part of which the person checked did not have a legal possession license and a general registration number (GIN). The above acts constitute the offence of smuggling under Articles 119A(2), 142(2), 142(2) and 155 par. 1b and 2g of Law 2960/01 and incur the fine under Article 150(1) of the same Act and the measure of sealing the establishment under Article 119A(5) of the same Act. From 05-10-2024 to 19-10-2024 (15 days) Alcohol Smuggling
ΤΡΙΓΓΑΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ του ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΥ ΚΑΦΕ MIRROR 22, VASILEOS GEORGIOU STR., DIDYMOTEICHO, P.O. 68300 PUBLICATION DECISION: 2036/29-08-2024 Orestiada Prefecture Customs Office The placing for sale of alcoholic beverages without the permission of the Customs Authority, which constitutes a customs offence -smuggling, in accordance with the provisions of Article 11(2)(m) of Law 2969/01, in conjunction with Articles 53, 79, 119A(2), 142(2), 155(2)(g) of Law 2960/01 (Government Gazette A 265), for which, in addition to the multiple charges imposed, the measure of sealing the establishment and publication of the details of the offenders, the facilities, the infringements and the penalties is provided for, pursuant to Article 119A(5) of Law 2960/01. Ten (10) days from 30/08/2024 to 08/09/2024 Alcohol Smuggling
QARTEL DE QALY Ι.Κ.Ε., διακριτικός τίτλος "ΚΑΦΕ ΜΠΑΡ QARTEL DE QALY" 10, AGIOU NIKOLAOU STR., VOLOS, PC 38221 11479/23.07.24
Following an on-site inspection at the establishment of the legal entity QARTEL DE QALY P.C.C. by the competent customs authority, it was found to be in possession of a bottle of alcoholic beverage marked "Gin Hendrick's 1ltr 44% vol" in a way that constitutes the offense of smuggling within the meaning of articles 119A par.2, 142 and 155 par.1b & 2g of Law 2960/2001 and entails the administrative fine of article 150 par.1 of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of No. 119A par. 5 of the same law, as the conditions of enforcement of the said measure are determined in decision A.1006/2024 (Β΄412).
Alcohol Smuggling

11478/23.07.24 Following an on-site inspection at the establishment of Dimitrios Mimikos by the competent customs authority, it was found to be in possession of seventy (70) liters of distilled product of unknown origin. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling within the meaning of articles 119A par.2, 142 and 155 par.1b & 2g of Law 2960/2001 and entails the administrative fine of article 150 par.1 of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of no. 119A par. 5 of the same law, as the conditions of enforcement of the said measure are determined in decision A.1006/2024 (Β΄412). Alcohol Smuggling
ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΦΑΚΙΝΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε. CHORA, NAXOS 304/13.08.24 Following an on-site inspection at the establishment of the legal entity "KATERINA FAKINOU AND CO. GP" by the competent customs authority, it was found to be in possession of one thousand four hundred liters (1,400.00lt) of hydrated alcoholic spirit, which was not accompanied by the prescribed legal documents and distilling permits. The above act constitutes the offense of smuggling within the meaning of articles 119A par.2, 142 and 155 par.1b & 2g of Law 2960/2001 and entails the administrative fine of article 150 par.1 of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of no. 119A par. 5 of the same law, as the conditions of enforcement of the said measure are determined in decision A.1006/2024 (Β΄412). Alcohol Smuggling
ΣΑΚΚΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ του ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ ZYGOS, KAVALA, PC 65500 SEALING DECISION: 5508/08.07.2024 DISCLOSURE DECISION: 5506/08.07.2024 Following an on-site inspection at the establishment of Mr. Stavros Sakkopoulos by the competent customs authority, it was found that he was in possession of four (4) bottles of small distillers’ distillation product with a total quantity of 13lt, for which the prescribed customs formalities according to law 2960/01 and law 2969/01, with the aim of evading the corresponding taxes and other charges, which amount to one hundred two euros and eighty one cents (€102.81) for the seized quantity and to the amount of fifty two euros and thirty one cents (€52.31) for the quantity leaked to the market. The above actions constitute the offense of smuggling within the meaning of articles 119A par.2, 142 and 155 par.1b & 2g of Law 2960/2001 and entail the administrative fine of article 150 par.1 of the same law and the measure of sealing the establishment of no. 119A par. 5 of the same law, as the conditions of enforcement of the said measure are determined in decision A.1006/2024 (Β΄412). Alcohol Smuggling