New forms in editable pdf format
Applications |
Α010 |
Application |
Α110 |
Register Application |
Α100 |
Application for a certificate of clearance or certificate of debt |
Α200 |
Application for stamp duty performance |
VAT300 |
Application for suspension of VAT application on real estate |
VAT300 SK |
Supplementary status of unsold property |
VAT301 |
Application for VAT refund or withdrawal |
VAT302 |
Application for write-off-refund due to submission of an amending VAT return |
VAT303 |
Application for approval of exemption from VAT using a Special Duplicate Exemption form and granting an exemption limit |
Α501 |
Application for an ENFIA certificate |
Α502 |
Application for exemption from the Special Tax on Real Estate (EFA) |
Declarations |
Δ210 |
Declaration of TIN issuance and change of personal information individual data |
Δ211 |
Declaration of business commencement, change, interruption |
Δ212 |
Declaration of intra-community distance sales of goods and TBE services |
Δ213 |
Declaration of TIN deactivation |
VAT304 |
Declaration-Application and detailed statement of supporting documents for VAT refund to farmers under the special scheme of Article 41 of the VAT code |
VAT305 |
Special form for displaying construcion budget costs |
VAT306 |
Special form for displaying construction cost report |
Ε411 |
Declaration of uncollected income from rental/sublease of real estate (uncollected rents) |
Δ500 |
Application-Declaration for the granting of an exemption, deduction or for ENFIA re-clearance |
Δ600 |
Declaration of tax payment on fundraising |
Δ601 |
Statement of performance of the Greek State's participation in the gross profits of betting and gambling |
Δ602 |
Luxury excise tax return declaration |
Δ603 |
Television advertising special return statement |
Δ604 |
Landline subscriber fee return statement |
Δ605 |
Cable TV fee return statement |
Δ606 |
Declaration of inventory of specially designed tables |
Δ620 |
Declaration of immobility of a car or motorcycle |
Residence tax return statement |
Environmental fee return statement |
Declaration of commencement of activity for taxable persons without establishment in Greece (Word File)
ANNEX I, Decision 1113/2013 |
Declaration of commencement of activity for taxable persons without establishment in Greece (Word File)
ANNEX II, Decision 1153/2016 |
Statement for de-registration and declaration of changes for non-established EU taxable persons (Word file)
ANNEX I, Decision 1152/2022 |
Declaration of TIN issuance / commencement of activity for taxable persons without establishment in the EU for registration in the Union regime (OSS) |
ANNEX II, Decision 1152/2022 |
Declaration of business change - interruption for taxable persons without establishment in the EU for registration in the Union regime (OSS) |
Income tax return
Detailed statement for real estate rentals
Statement of financial data from business activity
E3 |
Subtables |
Ε3 TRS |
Tax Reform Status
Tax Determination Act |
(Administrative/corrective) tax determination act |
Income tax return of Legal persons and Legal entities article 45 of Law 4172/2013
ANNEX A, Decision 1036/2015 |
Form for application of article 63 of Law 4172/2013 on intra-group dividends |
ANNEX B, Decision 1036/2015 |
Form for application of article 63 of Law 4172/2013 on interest and royalties paid among affiliated companies |
ANNEX A1 DEC.1017/2025 |
Declaration of Return of Withholding Taxes on Dividends |
ANNEX A2 DEC.1017/2025 |
Declaration of Return of Withholding Taxes on Interest |
ANNEX A3 DEC.1017/2025 |
Declaration of Return of Withholding Taxes from Rights |
ANNEX Α, Decision 1099.19
Statement of withheld taxes from salaried work and pensions
ANNEX Α1, Decision 1101.19 |
Statement of withheld and advance taxes on earnings from business activity |
ANNEX Α2, Decision 1101.19
Statement of withheld and advance taxes on earnings from business activity of lawyers |
MODEL Decision 1138/2022 |
Declaration of independent taxation para. 6, Art.8 of Law 3299/2004 |
Declaration of ownership of works machinery
Φ01.013 |
Tax declaration form income of legal entities applying the International Accounting Standards |
Declaration of confirmation of earnings |
Certificate of earnings from business activity |
Certificate of interest income (excluding bank deposits), Dividends of Legal Persons and Legal Entities not listed on the stock exchange and Rights |
Decision 1025/2014 |
Certificate of withholding tax on the fees of architects - engineers (art. 69 §4 Law 4172/13) |
Decision 1025/2024
Coding of payroll, pension and other non-business income |
Decision 1025/2024
Coding of remuneration from business activity |
Decision 1025/2024
Coding of dividends, interest, royalties |
Form 233 |
Declaration of taxation of first class ships registered with the Greek flag after the entry into force of Law 27/1975 |
Form 569 |
Declaration of taxation of first class ships of article 26a of law 27/1975 under an EU and EEA flag other than Greek |
Form 567 |
Declaration of taxation of first class ships that are registered with the Greek flag after the entry into force of Law 27/1975 and are taxed according to the provisions of this law, and the acts of registration based on Article 13 of Law 2687/1953 |
Form 566 |
Declaration of taxation of ships with a foreign flag, managed by local or foreign companies established in Greece pursuant to the provisions of article 25 of Law 27/1975 and are taxed with the ship tax provisions of this law and the acts based on article 13 of L.D. 2687/1953. |
Model 1 DEC.1039/2025 |
Fishing vessel fee declaration |
Model 2 DEC.1039/2025 |
Tugboats and self-propelled dredgers fee declaration
Model 1 DEC.1008/2025 |
Solemn declaration (Tugboats) |
Model 1a DEC.1008/2025 |
Tugboat status |
Model 2 DEC.1008/2025 |
Solemn declaration (Dredgers) |
Model 2b DEC.1008/2025 |
Self-propelled dredger status |
Model 3 DEC.1008/2025 |
Fishing vessel holiday certificate |
Model 1 Decision 1027/2021 |
Tax return of first-category ships registered with the Greek flag after the entry into force of Law 27/1975 and taxed in accordance with the provisions of this law, as applicable after the addition of Article 26b with the provisions of Article 61 of Law 4646/2019 |
Model 2 Decision 1027/2021 |
Tax return of first-category ships registered with the Greek flag after the entry into force of Law 27/1975 and taxed in accordance with the provisions of this law, as applicable after the addition of Article 26b with the provisions of article 61 of Law 4646/2019 as well as the registration approval acts based on Article 13 of the Decree-Law 2687/1953 |
Model 3 Decision 1027/2021 |
Tax return of first-category ships with a foreign flag that are managed by national or foreign companies established in Greece pursuant to the provisions of article 25 of Law 27/1975 and taxed in accordance with the provisions of this law and the registration approval acts based on article 13 of the Decree-Law 2687/1953 |
Model 4 Decision 1027/2021 |
Tax return of first-category ships with the EU and EEA flag other than the Greek flag and taxed in accordance with the provisions of article 26a of Law 27/1975 |
Model I, Decision 1094/2024 |
Tax return for second-category ships of Law 27/1975 with the Greek flag (Article 17 of Law 27/1975) |
Model II, Decision 1094/2024 |
Tax return for second-category ships of law 27/1975 with EU and EEA flag other than Greek flag (articles 17 and 26a of law 27/1975) |
Model III, Decision
1095/2024 |
Tax return for second-category ships of law 27/1975 with EU and EEA flag other than Greek flag (articles 17 and 26a of law 27/1975) |
Model IV, Decision
1095/2024 |
Tax return for second-category ships of Law 27/1975 with a foreign flag (Article 17 of Law 27/1975) |
Model I, Decision
1096/2024 |
Tax return for second-category ships of Law 27/1975 with a foreign flag (Article 17 of Law 27/1975) |
ANNEX I, Decision 1049/2023 |
Status of ships on January 1 |
Model I, Decision 1003/2020 |
Contribution declaration (art. 43 of Law 4111/2013) |
Model I, Decision 1122/2023 |
First-category ship tax return |
Model II, Decision 1095/2024 |
Second-category ship tax return |
Model 1a Decision 1175/2023 |
Declaration of 5% tax return of para. 5 of article 43 of Law 4111/2013 |
Model 1b Decision 1175/2023 |
Declaration of 10% tax return of para. 5 of article 43 of Law 4111/2013 |
Model 2 Decision 1175/2023 |
Certificate of domestic company |
Model 3 Decision 1175/2023 |
Certificate of a foreign company |
Model 4 Decision 1175/2023 |
Certificate of portfolio company |
Model 5 Decision 1175/2023 |
Certificate of competent tax authority |
Model 6 Decision 1175/2023 |
Bank certificate |
Model 2, Decision
1003/2020 |
Bank certificate |
Model 3, Decision
1003/2020 |
Solemn declaration of the legal representative of the company (Article 8 of Law 1599/1986) |
Model, Decision 1069/2023 |
Declaration of Temporary Solidarity Contribution (P.S.A.) of article 114 of Law 5007/2022 |
Ε9 - Decision
1035/2023 |
Property data declaration (form E9)
ΕΦΑ 2017 & ΕΠ. |
Declaration of Special Property Tax for the Year 2017 & onwards
ΕΦΑ 2016 |
Declaration of Special Property Tax for the Year 2016
ΕΦΑ 2015 |
Declaration of Special Property Tax for the Year 2015
ΕΦΑ 2014 |
Declaration of Special Property Tax for the Year 2014
ΕΦΑ 2013 |
Declaration of Special Property Tax for the Year 2013
ΕΦΑ 2012 |
Declaration of Special Property Tax for the Year 2012
ΕΦΑ 2011 |
Declaration of Special Property Tax for the Year 2011
ΕΦΑ 2010 |
Declaration of Special Property Tax for the Year 2010
ΦΑΠ 2013 LP |
Property Tax Declaration of Legal Persons for the Year 2013
ΕΤΑΚ 2009 LP |
Declaration of the Uniform Property Tax of Legal Persons for the year 2009
Declaration of the Uniform Property Tax of Legal Persons for the year 2009. Only for Hotel businesses
Property Transfer Tax (ΦΜΑ) |
Property Transfer Tax Declaration
Donation – Parental Benefit Tax Declaration |
Declaration of Inheritance Tax
Decision 1055/03 BUSINESS TAX VALUE |
Decision 1055/2003 Declaration of determination of the taxable value of a business |
Decision 1055/03 TAX VALUE OF SHARES |
Decision 1055/2003 Declaration of determination of the taxable value of shares |
Decision 1055/03 TAX VALUE OF SHARES LTD |
Decision 1055/2003 Declaration of determination of the taxable value of shares of LLCs |
Property Status Statement |
Forms - Models Of Capital Tax Applications
MODEL 3, Decision 1114/2024 |
Application for the granting of an ENFIA certificate (model 3) |
MODEL 4, Decision 1114/2024 |
Application for the granting of an ENFIA certificate (model 4) |
Application for a certificate for a declaration submission and inheritance, donation, parental benefits tax payment |
Application for pre-approval of intra-group pricing methodology
Request for preliminary consultation