The Authority’s logo

The logo of the Independent Public Revenue Authority was designed with the purpose of emphasizing to the principles and values it represents and by which IAPR is governed.

Transparency, Justice, Merit, Accountability, Continuous Improvement and Extroversion are the six core principles that characterize the operation of the Independent Authority and which characterize the work that the new Organization is called to carry out.



A project that is broken down into six major objectives: tax compliance, prosecution of tax evasion and smuggling, facilitation of business activity, provision of quality services to citizens, protection of public health and creation of a relationship of trust in all the aspects of the new Authority.



By default, all of our individual values meet in one point, which symbolizes the strength that emerges from this concentration and signals the independence of the Authority. Thus, an attempt is made to highlight individual characteristics, such as the concentration of different sizes and their distribution in different directions. The point of convergence of all the above leads to a reference to the joint effort of the Tax Administration and the citizens through their personal backlog. The meeting point of our principles and values is also the starting point of the directions that define our work. The strength of our concentration of principles is reflected in the tenacity, with which we will pursue our goals.




Visually, the design chosen for the logo of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue has a reference to the ancient obol.




The word «οβολός» (obol) comes from the shape of the first coins, which were long, narrow metal rods (which remained when coins became round). It was the coin with the smallest nominal value, while six obols was the coin with the greatest value.





The contribution of citizens with their obol refers to the contribution of everyone - greater or lesser - for the common good...

IAPR’s logo is nothing more than the narration of a story, which as simply as that, expresses a new principle and a system of values that is efficient and functional...


A story that begins from everyday life in ancient Greece and reaches to our time and from here to tomorrow, where we would like to walk with our guidelines and our non-negotiable principles.