Excise Tax – Motor Vehicles – Consumption tax products
On this page, you can find detailed information regarding the Excise Taxes, the consumption taxes on the products of article 53A of Law 2960/01, as well as on motor vehicles.
This page also provides access to the Excise Taxes subsystem through which:
- the Excise Tax Return is submitted electronically, with which the Excise Tax and the other corresponding tax charges for energy, alcoholic and tobacco products, the VAT for new marine means of transport, as well as the vehicle registration fee are confirmed and paid or exempted,
- the Excise Tax Return is submitted electronically, with which is confirmed and paid the consumption tax on coffee products in Article 53A of Law 2960/01,
- documents are submitted for the management of tax warehouses, such as the Production Slip, the Change Request, the Use/ Re-import Request,
- documents are submitted for the management of community vehicles, such as the Vehicle Arrival Declaration (DAO) and the Vehicle Circulation Permit (ADO),
- the Excise Tax Return Application is submitted electronically by the persons entitled to a return (industries/ craft industries, nursing/ welfare institutions, hotels, fishers, exporters)
- the Excise Tax Return Decision is issued electronically by the competent customs office,
- the electronic system for intra-Community product movement and control (EMCS), which is subject to Excise Taxes, is operating with the coverage of the electronic administrative document (e-DE) and the electronic simplified administrative document (e-ADE)
- Energy Products Tanks Registry
- European system of traceability & safety features of tobacco products
- Unified Central Registry of the Tobacco and Manufactured Tobacco Supply Chain (EKMEA)
- Receipt Notification Statement (Designer Fuels)
- Electronic Registry of Alcoholic Beverage Traders - Electronic Alcoholic Beverage Identification System (Lotify)
The texts posted on this website are informative in nature, do not bind the Administration and do not replace the applicable legal texts.

- ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ για Κεντρικοποίηση Τελωνειακών Ελέγχων trader
- itrader - Excise Tax - Vehicle Circulation Permit (ADO)
- itrader - Excise Tax - Vehicle Arrival Declaration (DAO)
- itrader - Excise Tax - Excise Tax Return (DEFK) of Vehicles
- EMCS - Functional Specifications
- EMCS - Technical Specifications
- EMCS - Phase 4.0 FESS and DDNEA Release
- Instructions for Attaching files to the Excise Tax Subsystem
- itrader - Excise Tax - Manual
- Excise Tax - Concise Instructions for submitting a DEFK for Coffee v.2.00
- Excise Tax - Concise Instructions for submitting a DEFK for small distillers (two days)
- Energy Products Tanks Registry
- Energy Products Tanks Registry - Clarifications
- REQUEST/ DECLARATION of the place of maintenance of the DEFK supporting documents archive - Instructions for Filling Out
- REQUEST/ DECLARATION of the place of maintenance of the DEFK supporting documents archive (in Word format)
- User Manual – ICISNET/EKMEA Permits/Approvals Subsystem
- Authorizations User Manual
- Change of deadline for DEFK payment orders - Application for Disposition of ADET marked strips (D.IL.TEL. 1167509 OUTG 2016)
- Provision of instructions for the Movement Verification (MVS) procedures between EU Member States. which are included in Phase 3.1. of EMCS (DEFK 5003879 OUTG 2014)
- Instructions regarding the start of operation of Phase 3 – Functional Stage 3 (Phase 3 –FS3) of the EMCS system on February 15, 2018 (DEFKFA 1051415 OUTG 2018)
- Instructions regarding the start of operation of Phase 3 – Functional Stage 4 (Phase 3 –FS4) of the EMCS system on February 13, 2020 (Circular 2024/21-02-2020)
- Instructions for the operation of the EXCISE TAXES subsystem in ICISnet (DEFK 5041345 OUTG 2013)
- Procedure for exemption from the Excise Tax of ethyl alcohol (for scientific and medical purposes) (DDTHEKA -Directorate of customs matters of special regimes and exemptions- C 1118586 OUTG 2017)
- Electronic tobacco product – Create codes and connect to K.A.E. (DTT -Customs Directorate- D 1117955 OUTG 2016)
- Notification of Executive Regulation (EU) no. 76/2014 of the Commission of January 28, 2014 “for the amendment of Regulation (EC) no. 684/2009 regarding the data that must be submitted in the context of computerized procedures for the circulation of products subject to excise taxes under a suspension of these taxes” (EEL 26/29.1.2014) (DEFK 5015140 OUTG 2014)
EMCS Ph. 4.00 – Electronic Simplified Administrative Document e-SAD
- e-SAD/i-trader Instruction Manual
- Directive 3043/05-07-2023 of the General Director of Customs & Excise Taxes “Providing instructions regarding the production operation of Phase 4.0 of the EMCS system from 10.07.2023 in our country.”
- Circular 2017/03-03-2023 of the Governor of IAPR “Notification of provisions of Part A’ of Law 4955/2022 and the delegated and executive regulations (EU) regarding the circulation of products subject to excise duty, which are set in force from 13.02.2023.”
- Directive 3007/14-02-2023 of the General Director of Customs & Excise Taxes “Providing instructions regarding the start of operation of Phase 4.0 of the EMCS system from February 13, 2023.”
- Decision 1014/10-02-2023 of the Governor of IAPR “Definition of the formalities, conditions and procedure for registration in the Register of the certified sender and the certified recipient of products subject to excise duty that have been put up for consumption, pursuant to article 57 of Law 2960/2001 (A’ 265).”
- Decision 1013/10-02-2023 of the Deputy Minister of Finance “Definition of terms and conditions for the registration in the Register of the occasionally certified sender and the occasionally certified recipient of par. 6 of article 57A of Law 2960/2001, (A' 265), the type, the provision and the validity of the guarantee of case a) of paragraph 2 of article 57A of Law 2960/2001 as well as the terms and conditions for the refund of the excise tax pursuant to paragraph 15 of Article 57A of Law 2960/2001.”
EMCS Ph. 4.10 – Notification messages for the exports of excisable products under suspension status
- Alternative accompanying document-FALLBACK for Excisable products under suspension regime
- Defects - Correlation table of old codes (ICIS) with new codes (ICISnet)
- Defects - Table of Defects, Exemptions and Exceptions
- Excise Tax - Model for submission of DEFK for Coffee products
- Excise Tax - Updated DΕFΚ completion template for Wine producers
- Table of DEFK’s supporting Documents
- Alcohol Product Codes
- Energy & Electricity Product Codes
- Tobacco Product Codes
- Circular 2004/16-01-2024 - Reform - Update of instructions for the application of the Excise Tax subsystem of ICISnet regarding the issuance of computerized codes for manufactured tobaccos, in accordance with article 100 of the National Customs Code (Law 2960/01).
- Circular 2002/28-12-2023 - Notification of the provisions of Articles 45 and 53 of Law 5073/2023 (Α΄204) regarding the consumption tax on tobacco-free electrically heated products and the application of a reduced VAT rate in goods and services, respectively, of article 102 of Law 5079/2023 (A' 215) regarding the application of a reduced rate of Value Added Tax to non-alcoholic beverages and the transitional maintenance of VAT rates, as well as providing instructions for their application.
- Decision 1210/22-12-2023 (B 7586) of the Minister of Finance - Procedure for granting an exemption from the excise tax corresponding to the quantity of neutral ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin or any type of alcoholic distillate or distillation product, which are received by distillers operating outside the suspension regime to cover the losses, which are due to the nature of the materials in question, pursuant to paragraph 3 of article 83 of Law 2960/2001 (Α΄265).
- Decision 1193/4-12-2023 (Β΄6845) of the Minister of Finance - a) Amendment of Decision no. 30/003/000/1614/19-04-2018 of the Deputy Minister of Finance “Formulations and procedures for the approval of the use of ethyl alcohol tanks and alcoholic beverages of articles 80, 86, 88, 90 and 92 of Law 2960/2001 respectively – Amendment of Decision no. DEFKF -Directorate of Excise Tax & VAT- B 5026381 OUTG 2015/16.12.2015 of the Minister of Finance (Β΄2785)” (Β΄1624). b) Extension of the deadline for titration of ethyl alcohol tanks and alcoholic beverages of articles 80, 86, 88 and 92 of Law 2960/2001.
- Decision 1191/30-11-2023 (Β΄6838) - a) Amendment of Decision no. 30/003/000/817/21-02-2018 of the Governor of IAPR “Formulations and procedures for the approval of the use of ethyl alcohol tanks and alcoholic products of A' and B' category distilleries and distillers as well as tax warehouses of said products (B' 914).” b) Extension of the deadline for titration of ethyl alcohol tanks and alcoholic products of A' and B' category alcohol distillers, distillers as well as tax warehouses trading the products in question.
- IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2023/2707 OF THE COMMISSION of 5 December 2023 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1637 as regards the rules and procedures relating to excisable goods exported under excise tax suspension regime and the use of backup documents.
- COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2024/296 of 9 November 2023 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1636 as regards messages on excisable goods exported under excise tax suspension regime.
- Decision 1136/01-09-2023 (Β΄5401) - Determination of terms and conditions for the granting of a registered consignee's license and an occasionally registered consignee's license of excisable products and the formalities for the implementation of paragraphs 2 to 4 of article 113 of the National Customs Code (Law 2960/2001, A΄265).
- Decision 1086/8-06-2023 - Procedure for supply, storage and distribution of products in duty-free and tax-free shops.
- Circular 2011/22-02-2023 - Circular regarding the new non-personalized marked tobacco tax strips.
- Decision 1013/08-02-2023 - Determination of the Weighted Average Price (S.M.T.) of the retail sale of cigarettes for the year 2024, in cases where they are the subject of contraband or are traded under suspension and their retail price has not been determined.
- Decision 1184/20-12-2022 - Amendment of Decision 1001/24-12-2019 of the Governor of IAPR (Β΄102/2020) “Procedure of supplying the entitled persons with marked manufactured tobacco tax strips,” as to the deadline for a) importation or receipt of manufactured tobacco, with affixed marked tax strips of zero value and b) return of marked strips, of zero value, for destruction.
- Directive DEFKF B 1128570 OUTG 2022/ 05-12-2022 - Provision of instructions for completing the Excise Tax Statement submitted by two-day small distillers.
- Decision 1176/9-10-2022 - Determination a) of the conditions and procedures for the certification of the independent small breweries of par. 3 of article 87 of Law 2690/2001 and the self-certification of the independent small producers of the products of articles 80, 88 and 92 of Law 2960/2001 and b) of the sanctions, in case of non-compliance with the above, by authorization of case a. of par. 5 of article 93C of Law 2960/2001.
- Circular 2072/15-09-2022 - Provision of instructions for the implementation of the legal and regulatory framework governing the operating status of two-day small distillers.
- Decision 1130/30-09-2022 of the Minister of Finance - Amendment of Decision 1102/27.07.2022 of the Deputy Minister of Finance “Determination of the procedure for certification and collection of the excise duty applied to the distilled product produced by the two-day small distillers of par. 5 of article 5 of Law 2969/2001 (A΄281), of the terms, conditions, procedures and rendering of the raw materials in anhydrous ethyl alcohol for the implementation of par. E' of article 7 of the same law, the sealing and unsealing process of the distilling machines used by two-day small distillers, as well as the details of the implementation of article 4 of the same law." (Β΄4073).
- Circular 2061/12-08-2022 - Provision of instructions for the implementation of the legal and regulatory framework governing the operating status of two-day small distillers.
- COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2022/1636 of 5 July 2022 supplementing Council Directive (EU) 2020/262 by laying down the structure and content of documents exchanged in the context of the movement of excisable goods and setting a threshold for losses due to the products’ nature.
- Decision 1102/27-07-2022 of the Minister of Finance (Β΄4073) - Determination of the procedure for certification and collection of the excise duty applied to the distilled product produced by the two-day small distillers of par. 5 of article 5 of Law 2969/2001 (Α΄281), the terms, conditions, procedures and rendering of raw materials in anhydrous ethyl alcohol for the application of par. E' of article 7 of the same of the law, of the sealing and unsealing procedure of the distilling machines used by the two-day small distillers, as well as the details of the implementation of article 4 of the same law.
- Decision 1060/17-05-2022 - Exemption procedure from the Excise Tax and control of the legal use of hard coal, lignite and coke of CN codes 2701, 2702 and 2704 which are used exclusively for the production of electricity, the mineralogical processing, chemical reduction, electrolytic and metallurgical processing.
- Decision 1049/14-04-2022 - Amendment of Decision no. 1001/24.12.2019 (B΄102) of the Governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue “Procedure for supplying entitled persons with industrialized manufactured marked tobacco tax strips.”
- Circular 2011/03-02-2022 - Notification of the provisions of Executive Regulation (EU) 2021/2266 of the Commission of 17 December 2021 “on the adoption of rules for the implementation of Council Directive 92/83/EEC regarding the certification and self-certification of independent small producers of alcoholic beverages for excise tax purposes.”
- Directive DEFKF C 1005752 OUTG 2022/24-01-2022 - Instructions for the circulation of electrically heated tobacco products in the framework of the application of the new tariff class for new tobacco products
- Circular 2002/31-12-2021 - “Exemption from duties and taxes of the Center of Excellence for Unified Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense (IAMD CoE), based in Chania as an accredited NATO Military Body, Laws 4833/2021 (A' 174) and 4834/2021 (A' 175).”
- Decision 1267/23-12-2021 - Determination of the terms and conditions for the licensing of activities related to the supply chain of tobacco, manufactured tobacco, equipment for the production of manufactured tobacco and critical raw materials for the production of manufactured tobacco and other issues for the implementation of par. 5 of article 100A of the National Customs Code (Law 2960/2001, A' 265)
- Decision 1253/17-12-2021: Amendment of Decision no. D18A 5017560 OUTG 2010/22.04.2010 (Β' 610) of the Minister of Finance “Terms and conditions for the exemption from duties and taxes of the fuel contained in the normal tanks of motor vehicles for public use transporting goods entering our country from third countries - determination of maximum quantity”
- Decision 1247/23-11-2021 - Amendment of Decision 1001/31-12-2020 of the Governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) “Terms and conditions for the process of receipt and delivery of LPG and methane of cases n and o of paragraph 1, of article 73 of Law 2960/2001 as well as a monitoring and control procedure for their legal use” (B' 40/2021).
- 30/003/000/4171/20.10.2021: Notification of the Joint Ministerial Decisions nos. 1903/194939/22-7-2021 (Β΄3275), 2413/260546/23-9-2021 (Β' 4403) and 2482/272866/04-10-2021 (Β΄4580) for the distillation of wines due to the crisis, for the year 2021
- Circular 2179/14-09-2021 - Notification of Decision 1180/06-08-2021 of the Deputy Minister of Finance “Terms and formalities for the receipt with exemption from the Excise Tax of ethyl alcohol used: a) whole for the production of medicines intended for human and veterinary use and b) for the preparation of raw material for these medicines, provided that this is an integral part of their production process, in accordance with the provisions of case d) of par. 1 of article 83 of Law 2960/2001” (Β΄3751).
- Decision 1185/11.8.2021 - Terms and conditions and required checks, for the exemption from the Excise Tax of natural gas used for the production of electricity.
- Decision 1180/06-08-2021 - Terms and formalities for the receipt with exemption from the Excise Tax of ethyl alcohol used: a) whole for the production of medicines intended for human and veterinary use and b) for the preparation of raw material for these medicines, provided that this is an integral part of their production process, pursuant to case d) of paragraph 1 of article 83 of Law 2960/2001.
- Circular 2158/28-07-2021 – NOTIFICATION of Decision 1146/2021.
- Directive DEFKF C 1060646 OUTG 2021/14-07-2021.
- Circular 2140/02-07-2021 - FINAL NOTIFICATION of Decision 1129 VAT.
- Directive DEFKF C 1046279 OUTG 2021/01-06-2021.
- Directive DEFKF A 1023422/16-03-2021 - Instructions are given, REL.: Directive DEFKF A 1029710 OUTG 2016/23-02-2016 Decision of the General Secretariat of Public Works on terms and conditions for the exemption from the Excise Tax of electricity used for chemical reduction, electrolytic and metallurgical processing.
- Circular 2042/12-02-2021 - Notification of provisions of article 35 “Extension of deadlines for collection of excise tax, value added tax and other charges on alcoholic beverages” of Law 4772/2021 (A΄17).
- Decision 1225/27-09-2021 - Amendment of Decision no. DEFKFB 1182030 OUTG 2016/13.12.2016 of the Minister of Finance (Β΄4173) “Determination of terms and conditions for the granting of a tax warehouse permit on those imported from third countries, originating from other EU Member States or domestically produced products of case a) of paragraph 1 of article 53A of Law 2960/01, of the production processes outside the regime of suspension, receipt from other Member States, imposition of Consumption Tax and VAT, monitoring and control thereof,” regarding e-cigarette refill liquids
- Circular 2048/08-02-2021 - Notification of provisions of Law 4758/2020 (Α΄242) “Containment of contraband - Ratification of the Protocol for the Elimination of the Illegal Trade in Tobacco, provisions on public property and lying inheritances, provisions on traffic taxes and registration fees, incentives to attract tax residents.
- Decision 1002/03-01-2021 - Determination of terms and conditions for the offsetting or refund of taxes and any special contribution in favor of third parties that have been paid for perishable manufactured tobacco as well as for the replacement of perishable marked tax strips, pursuant to of article 105 and par. 5 of article 106 of the National Customs Code (law 2960/2001, A΄ 265).
- Directive DEFKF 1147173/31-12-2020 - Notification of the provisions of article 158 of Law 4759/2020 (Government Gazette 245 A') entitled “Modernization of Land and Urban Planning Legislation and other provisions.”
- Circular 2199/15-12-2020 - Provision of clarifications regarding the implementation of Decision no. 1071/31-01-2019 of the Governor of IAPR “Amendment of DEFKF Α no. 1035092 OUTG 2017/03-03-2017 (Government Gazette 1000Β΄/24-03-2017) Decision of the Governor of IAPR ‘Determining rates of impairment of energy products, terms and conditions for the recognition of these losses’” (Government Gazette 806 B΄/07-03-2019)
- Decision 1277/14-12-2020 - Determination of terms, conditions and procedures for the granting of the exemption from the Excise Tax and any special contribution in favor of third parties of manufactured tobacco as well as the exemption from the Consumption Tax of the electrically heated tobacco product in accordance with case c) of paragraph 1 of article 102 in conjunction with article 53A of Law 2960/2001.
- Circular 2145/04-09-2020 - Notification of Decision no. 1194/21-08-2020 of the Minister of Finance “Amendment of Decision no. 1117/19-05-2020 of the Minister of Finance ‘Terms and formalities for the exemption from the Excise Tax of ethyl alcohol, provided for by subsections e', f ', and j' of par. 1 of article 83 of Law 2960/2001’ (Β΄2070).”
- Decision 1194/22-08-2020 - Amendment of Decision no. 1117/19-05-2020 of the Minister of Finance "Terms and formalities for the exemption from the Excise Tax on ethyl alcohol, provided for by subsections e', f ', and j' of par. 1 of article 83 of Law 2960/2001” (Β΄2070).
- Circular 2097/25-06-2020 - Notification of Decision no. 1117/19-05-2020 of the Minister of Finance “Terms and formalities for the exemption from the Excise Tax of ethyl alcohol, provided for by subsections e', f ', and j' of par. 1 of article 83 of Law 2960/2001” (Β΄ 2070) Online Publication Number (ADA): Ω65446ΜΠ3Ζ-367.
- Decision 1117/19-05-2020 - Terms and formalities for the exemption from the Excise Tax of ethyl alcohol, provided for by subsections e', f ', and j' of par. 1 of article 83 of Law 2960/2001.
- Circular 2017/05-02-2020 - Provision of instructions regarding the titration of liquid fuel tanker tanks.
- Decision 1005/10-01-2020: Terms, conditions and procedure for receipt with exemption from Excise Duty of energy products intended to be used by industries or craft industries exclusively as raw materials for the production of their products and control of their legal use.
- Decision 1001/27-01-2020 - Procedure for supplying entitled persons with marked manufactured tobacco tax strips.
- Circular 2126/26-06-2019 - Notification of Decision no. 1071/31-01-2019 of the Governor of IAPR “Amendment of Decision no. DEFKF A 1035092 OUTG 2017/03-03-2017 (Government Gazette 1000Β΄/24-03-2017) of the Governor of IAPR ‘Determining rates of impairment of energy products, terms and conditions for the recognition of these losses’” (Government Gazette 806 B΄/07-03-2019).
- Decision 1217/06-06-2019 - Determination of the information transmitted to the competent Customs Audit Services (ELYT), as well as the frequency and method of their transmission, in the context of the imposition of Excise Tax in natural gas.
- Circular 2077/17-05-2019 - Notification of provisions of Articles 50 and 70 of Law 4607/2019.
- Decision 1072/22-2-2019 - Determination of the conditions, supporting documents and refund procedure of the Excise Tax for internal combustion fuel oil (DIESEL), which is used by industrial, craft, hotel businesses and public and private health facilities, as well as how to control its legal use.
- Decision 1071/31-01-2019 - Amendment of Decision no. DEFKF A 1035092 OUTG 2017/03-03-2017 (Government Gazette 1000B΄/24-03-2017) of the Governor of IAPR “Determining rates of impairment of energy products, terms and conditions for the recognition of these losses (Β΄ 806).”
- DEFKF B 1191856 OUTG 2018/21-12-2018 - Notification of provisions of the law.
- DEFKF B 1154975 OUTG 2018/16-10-2018 - Destruction of Ethyl Alcohol that has been received with an exemption for the production of medicines.
- DDTHEKA -Directorate of Customs Matters of Special Regimes and Exemptions- C 1133480 OUTG 2018/06-09-2018 - Notification of Decision no. DDTHEKA C 1072093 OUTG 2018/08.05.2018 (Government Gazette 1900/Β΄) of the Deputy Minister of Finance “Amendment of Decision no. DEFK Φ 1188105 OUTG 2016 (Β΄ 4241) of the Deputy Minister of Finance - Determination of the terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for coffee products, the procedure for the imposition of consumption tax, the formalities of handling, monitoring, control and other matters of application of article 53A of Law 2960/01, regarding the products in question” (Online Publication Number: ΨΩΗ146ΜΠ3Ζ-ΑΙΛ)
- DDTHEKA C 1072093 OUTG 2018/25-05-2018 - Amendment of Decision no. DEFK Φ 1188105 OUTG 2016 (B' 4241) of the Deputy Minister of Finance “Determining the terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for coffee products, the procedure for imposing the consumption tax, the formalities of handling, monitoring, control and other matters of application of article 53A of Law 2960/2001, regarding the products in question,” as applicable.
- DEFKF A 1064574 OUTG 2018/26-04-2018 - Inventory of tax warehouses and customs savings warehouses in the Registry of Energy Products Tanks.
- DEFKF 1119744 OUTG 2017/8.8.2017 – “Definition of terms and conditions for the production, possession, receipt, shipment, import and export from approved warehouses of manufactured tobacco, of the product of case f) of paragraph 1 of article 53A of Law 2960/2001, as amended and in force, the imposition of Consumption Tax and VAT, the monitoring and control thereof.”
- DEFKF 1116601 OUTG 2017/04-08-2017 - Determination of terms and conditions for granting a license for an approved storer of products subject to Excise Tax.
- DEFKF 1116596 OUTG 2017/04-08-2017 - Determination of terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse permit, its monitoring and operation.
- DEFKF B 1115916 OUTG 2017/31-07-2017 - Notification of the implementing regulation (EU) 2017/1112 of the Commission, regarding the complete denaturation of ethyl alcohol.
- DEFKF A 1048477 OUTG 2017/28-03-2017 - Notification of Decision no. DEFKF A 1035092 OUTG 2017/03-03-2017 of the Governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue “Determining percentages of impairment of energy products, terms and conditions for the recognition of these losses.”
- DEFKF A 1035092 OUTG 2017/3-3-2017 - Determination of percentages of impairment of energy products, terms and conditions for the recognition of these losses.
- DEFK Φ 1188105 OUTG 2016/22-12-2016 - Determination of the terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for coffee products, the procedure for imposing the consumption tax, the formalities of handling, monitoring, control and other matters of application of article 53A of Law 2960/01, regarding the products in question.
- DEFKF B 1182030 OUTG 2016/13-12-2016 - Determination of terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for products imported from third countries, originating from other EU Member States or domestically produced products of case a) of paragraph 1 of the article 53A of Law 2960/01, of the production procedures outside suspension status, receipt from other Member States, imposition of Consumption Tax and VAT, monitoring and control thereof.
- DEFKF 1001351 OUTG 2016/07-01-2016 - Provision of additional clarifications on the new taxation of products falling under articles 90 and 92 of Law 2960/01.
- IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2016/323 OF THE COMMISSION of 24 February 2016 laying down detailed rules for cooperation and the exchange of information between Member States on products subject to suspension of excise duties pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 389/2012 of the Council (consolidated).
- IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 612/2013 OF THE COMMISSION of 25 June 2013 on the operation of the registry of economic bodies and tax warehouses, the relevant statistical data and the notification of data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 389/2012 of the Council on administrative cooperation in the field of excise duties (consolidated).
- REGULATION (EU) 389/2012 OF THE COUNCIL of 2 May 2012 on administrative cooperation in the field of excise duties and repealing Regulation (EC) 2073/2004.
- DEFK 5025778 OUTG 2010/17-6-2010 - Terms and formalities governing the procedure for certification and collection of the Excise Tax and the other tax charges of the electricity of CN code 2716 when supplying it for consumption.
- Decision F. 1815/1013/28-12-2006 of the Minister of the Economy and Finance (Β΄ 98) - Terms and formalities governing the procedure of certification and collection of the Excise Tax which corresponds to Coal, Lignite and Coke of CN Codes 2701, 2702 and 2704.
- DEFKF D 1092721 OUTG 2023/19-07-2023 - Transmission of circular: - Update on the issuance of Regulation (EU) 2023/443 – “New light vehicle emission standards” of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
- Decision 1031/21-02-2024 - Amendment of Decision 1113/26-07-2023 of the Governor of IAPR “Terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for EU vehicles, its monitoring and operation.”
- Decision 1113/26-07-2023 - Terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for EU vehicles, its monitoring and operation.
- DEFKF D 1085783 OUTG 2023 - Provision of clarifications, in accordance with the provisions of Joint Decision 1071/23 (B’3394) of the Ministers of Finance, Infrastructure and Transport, of State and the Governor of IAPR “Digitization of the classification certificate, determination of the type, content of the certificate and regulation of other issues related to the issuance, circulation, management and registration of details of the classification certificate, pursuant to case b) of paragraph 6 of Article 130 of the National Customs Code.”
- Decision 1071/19-05-2023 - Digitization of the classification certificate, determination of the type and content of the certificate and regulation of other issues regarding the issuance, handling, management and registration of data of the classification certificate, pursuant to case b) of paragraph 6 of article 130 of the National Customs Code.
- DEFKFD 1068680 OUTG 2022 - Notification of the provisions of article 79 “Abolishment of luxury tax on products of tariff class 43.03-Amendment of article 17 of Law 3833/2010” of Law 4941/22 (Government Gazette 113 A΄/16-6-2022): “Reformation of the institutional framework for the operation of the Financial Stability Fund and the Guarantee Fund for Investment Services, modernization of the Public Debt Management Organization and other urgent provisions,” as well as the provisions of article 116 “Correction of manifest errors - Amendment of article 79 of Law 4941/ 2022” of Law 4964/22 (Government Gazette 150/A'/30-7-2022): “Provisions for the simplification of environmental licensing, establishing a framework for the development of Offshore Wind Farms, and dealing with the energy crisis, the protection of the environment and other provisions.”
- Circular 2020/24-02-2022 - Notification of the provisions of articles 13 and 14 of Law 4890/2022 (Α΄23) “Ratification of Legislative Content Act from 28.1.2022 ‘Urgent, tax, customs and related regulations, urgent provisions to ensure the right to effective judicial protection’ (A' 14) and other urgent provisions’ - Amendment of Circulars 2114/20.7.2020 and 2125/31.7.2020 of the Governor of IAPR - Provision of instructions.”
- Circular 2159/02-08-2021 - Notification of the provisions of article 83 “Emissions of pollutants from self-propelled caravans - Completion of par. 3 of article 121 of Law 2960/01” of Law 4821/21 (Government Gazette 134/Α΄), “Modernization of the Greek Land Registry, new digital services and strengthening of digital governance.”
- Circular 2071/2-4-2021 - Notification of Joint Decision 1064/23.3.2021 of the Deputy Minister of Finance and the Governor of IAPR, regarding the terms, conditions and supporting documents for the refund of the vehicle registration fee pursuant to the provisions of par. 11 of article 130 of Law 2960/2001 (A' 265) “National Customs Code.”
- Decision 1064/23-03-2021 - Terms, conditions and procedure for the refund of the vehicle registration fee, pursuant to the provisions of par. 11 of article 130 of Law 2960/2001 (A' 265) "National Customs Code.”
- Circular 2195/7-12-2020 - Notification of the provisions of article 39 "Calculation of classification fee based on the European and global method of measuring CO2 emissions - Amendment of article 121 of Law 2960/2001" and article 65 “Return paid registration fee for vehicles exported to third countries or sent to another EU member state - addition of par. 11 to article 130 of Law 2960/2001” of Law 4758/2020 (Government Gazette 242/Α΄), “Containment of contraband - Ratification of the Protocol for the Elimination of Illegal Tobacco Trade, provisions on public property and of laying inheritances, provisions on road tax and registration fees, incentives to attract tax residents and other provisions.”
- Circular 2186/23-11-2020 - Notification of the provisions of article 133 “Imposition of a classification fee on trucks converted from open to closed instead of tax charges - Amendment of paragraph 5 of article 123 of Law 2960/01” of Law 4831/21 (Α΄170) “Organization of the Legal Council of the State (NSK) and status of its officers and employees and other provisions.”
- Circular 2177/03-11-2020 - Notification of the provisions of Article 21 of Law 4736/2020 (Government Gazette 200/Α΄) “Exceptions and exemptions from the environmental fee and the ban on classification for old polluting vehicles.”
- Circular 2114/23-07-2020 - Notification of the provisions of articles 5, 63 and 65 of Law 4710/2020 (Government Gazette 142/Α΄) of the Ministry of Environment and Energy “Promotion of electric mobility.”
- Circular 2027/04-03-2020 - Notification of the provisions of articles 105 and 108 of Law 4670/2020 (Government Gazette 43/Α΄) "Insurance reform and digital transformation of the National Social Security Agency (e-EFKA) and other provisions" - Amendment of provisions of article 121 of Law 2960/01.
- Decision 1437/20-11-2019 - Mandatory electronic submission of the supporting, justifying documents of the Excise Tax Statement and other Taxes (DEFK) - Archive Maintenance.
- Decision 1051/06-02-2019 - Determination of terms and conditions and formalities for the application of the provisions of article 129 of Law 2960/01, regarding the Vehicles Arrival Declaration, for classification fee purposes.
- Decision 1203/16-05-2019 - Documents and formalities for determining and shaping the taxable value for the imposition of the registration fee on motor vehicles and motorcycles.
- Directive DEFKF D 1112222 OUTG 2019/02-08-2019 - Provision of clarifying instructions for the implementation of Decision 1203/16-5-2019 of the Governor of IAPR (Government Gazette 1933 B΄/29-5-2019/Online Publication Number: ΨΓΙΠ46ΜΠ3Ζ-Ζ4Π) “Justifications and formalities for determining and shaping the taxable value for the imposition of the registration fee on motor vehicles and the motorcycles.”
- Decision 1437/20-11-2019 - Mandatory electronic submission of the supporting, justifying documents of the Excise Tax Statement and other Taxes (DEFK) - Archive Maintenance.
- Directive DEFKF D 1112222 OUTG 2019/02-08-2019 - Provision of clarifying instructions for the implementation of Decision 1203/16-5-2019 of the Governor of IAPR (Government Gazette 1933 B΄/29-5-2019/Online Publication Number: ΨΓΙΠ46ΜΠ3Ζ-Ζ4Π) “Justifications and formalities for determining and shaping the taxable value for the imposition of the registration fee on motor vehicles and the motorcycles.”
- DEFKF 1000895 OUTG 2018/3-1-2018 - Notification of Decision DEFKFD 1192035 OUTG 2017/22-12-2017 of the Minister of Finance “Determination of impairment rates depending on the age and body type of used passenger cars.”
- DEFKFD 1192035 OUTG 2017/22-12-2017 - “Determination of impairment rates depending on the age and body type of used passenger cars.”
- DEFKF C 1039149 OUTG 2017/3-3-2017 - "Providing instructions for the implementation of the provisions of article 121A of Law 2960/01 - Notification of Joint Ministerial
- Decision DEFKF C 1019140 OUTG 2017/25-01-2017 “Terms and conditions for the proportional payment of the registration fee for passenger cars received by leasing or renting or its return and regulation of registration issues.”
- DΕFΚF C 1056260 OUTG 2016/7-4-2016 - "Notification of provisions of articles 11 and 14 of Law 4378/2016 (Α΄55) - Amendment of provisions of Law 2960/01 - Incentives for the replacement of old technology cars."
- Φ.53/19/00 (Β΄246) - “Terms and conditions of import - receipt of passenger cars for exhibition purposes.”
- Φ.906/440/07 - “Terms and formalities for receiving car trucks and their bases in order to convert them into vehicles of tariff classes 87.02, 87.04 and 87.05.”
- Decision 1142/14-9-2023 (Β΄5571) - “Amendment of Decision DEFK Φ 1188105 OUTG 2016/22-12-2016 of the Deputy Minister of Finance ‘Determining the terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for coffee products, the procedure for imposing the consumption tax, the formalities of circulation, monitoring, control and other implementation issues of article 53A of Law 2960/2001, regarding the products in question’ (B' 4241).”
- Decision 1183/22-12-2022 - Identification of physical impairment in unroasted coffee of case c) of paragraph 1 of article 53A of Law 2960/2001 (a'256), during its storage period in a tax warehouse, under suspension status, pursuant to par. 3 of article 65 of the above law.
- Decision 1222/27-9-2021 - Amendment of Decision DEFK Φ 1188105 OUTG 2016/22-12-2016 (B΄ 4241) of the Deputy Minister of Finance “Determining the terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for coffee products, the procedure for imposing the consumption tax, the formalities of circulation, monitoring, control and other matters of application of Article 53A of Law 2960/2001, regarding the products in question.”
- Circular 2070/01-04-2021 - “Notification of Joint Decision 1066/23.3.2021 of the Deputy Minister of Finance and the Governor of IAPR ‘Terms, conditions, supporting documents and procedure for the refund of the Excise Tax of coffee products of cases b), c), d) and e) of par. 1 of article 53A of Law 2960/2001’ (A' 265) “National Customs Code” and of Joint Decision 1065/23.3.2021 of the Deputy Minister of Finance and the Governor of IAPR “Amendment of Decision DEFK Φ 1188105 OUTG 2016/22-12-2016 of the Deputy Minister of Finance (B΄ 4241) ‘Determining the terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for coffee products, the procedure for imposing the consumption tax, the formalities for handling, monitoring, control and other implementation issues of article 53A of Law 2960/2001, regarding the products in question.’”
- Decision 1066/23-3-2021 - “Terms, conditions, supporting documents and procedure for the refund of the Consumption Tax (FK) of the coffee products of cases b), c), d) and e) of par. 1 of article 53A of Law 2960/2001 (A' 265) ‘National Customs Code’.”
- Decision 1065/23-3-2021 - "Amendment of Decision DEFK Φ 1188105 OUTG 2016/22-12-2016 of the Deputy Minister of Finance (B΄ 4241) ‘Determining the terms and conditions for granting a tax warehouse license for coffee products, the procedure for imposing the consumption tax, the formalities for handling, monitoring, control and other implementation issues of article 53A of Law 2960/2001, regarding the products in question.’”
- Circular 2191/5-12-2020 - “Notification of the provisions of article 61 of Law 4758/2020 (242 A΄) ‘Containment of contraband - Ratification of the Protocol for the elimination of the illegal tobacco trade, provisions on public property and laying inheritances, road tax and registration tax provisions, incentives to attract tax residents.’”
Subsystem of Special Consumption Taxes - Excise/EMCS
The specifications of the XML messages (XSD files) are published on our website to enable those traders who wish to develop relevant information systems for the production of the relevant messages (The consolidated zip file also contains the file of changes for the messages of each version)
- The XML messages specifications (XSD files) are currently available only in the Greek pages section (The zip file also contains a txt file with all the changes from version to version)