Operations co-funded by the European Union
A. IAPR implements the following actions, as part of the NSRF 2014-2020 and 2021-2027:
- Procurement of Customs Equipment for the Directorate General of Customs & Excise of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) for combating smuggling and illegal trade (IIS code 5010482)
- Development of an environment of a Single Window for the Facilitation of Commerce (IIS code 5010599)
- Implementation of Union Customs Code systems (UCC) and Multiannual Strategic Plan (MASP) (IIS code 5030297)
- Implementation of a system of utilization of data received from inflow / outflow systems (IIS code 5043178)
B. IAPR implemented the following actions, as part of the NSRF 2014-2020:
- Implementation of the necessary organizational changes in e-services provided and existing Information Systems of IAPR(former General Secretariat for Public Revenue) (IIS code 5000453)
- Automatization and centralization of processes and development of tools for the more effective debt management and collection (IIS code 5001475)