Fuel Stations
This is the integrated system for monitoring inflows and outflows at fuel stations to ensure financial interests and protect consumers.
All public fuel stations must register in the Registry for monitoring inflows and outflows, in accordance with Joint Ministerial Decision No. A.1151/15.10.2024 (Government Gazette B’ 5991).
Entities required to register include:
- Holders of operating licenses for public-use liquid fuel stations, LPG stations, or mixed liquid fuel and LPG stations
- Heating oil sellers
- Installers of inflow-outflow monitoring systems
- Accredited tank calibration service providers
Important Dates:
- 01/12/2024: Launch of the production environment for the new Registry of Public Fuel Stations and the new Web Service for inflow-outflow data transmission.
- 01/02/2025: Deadline for updating information in the fuel station Registry.
- 01/09/2025: Deadline for new obligated tank calibration service providers to register data required under Article 4, paragraph 1(b) of Joint Ministerial Decision A.1151/2024, concerning tanks they have calibrated.
Required Actions:
A) System Interconnection
- Local inflow-outflow systems must connect to IAPR's new data reception system
- Use of the new Web Service and the updated version of eTokenLib is mandatory, as detailed in the instructions available here.
- The structure of the XSD remains unchanged
B) Important Notes
- Following the activation of the Registry for liquid fuel stations and heating oil sellers on 01/12/2024, IAPR's inflow-outflow monitoring system will continue to seamlessly receive data from local inflow-outflow systems. The XSD structure remains unchanged, local systems will remain connected to IAPR’s data reception system, and the eTokenLib library will operate in the production environment.
- Attention: Any changes in the new Registry (e.g., tanks, pumps, nozzles, changes in tank use) after 01/12/2024 will require immediate integration with the new eTokenLib and transmission of data to the new infrastructure.
- For new fuel stations or those resulting from a transfer, local systems must connect to the NEW IAPR data reception system and apply the updated eTokenLib library in the production environment.
For more detailed user instructions regarding IAPR's new data reception system, click here
- L 3054 (OGG 230 02/10/2002), «Organisation of petroleum products market and other provisions».
- L 4072 (OGG 86 11/04/2012) Τροποποίηση του Ν 3054 Amendment of Law 3054 «Improvement of the business environment of the petroleum market».
- Ε. 2085 /14-12-2022 «Ηλεκτρονική υποβολή δήλωσης λογισμικού και δήλωσης εγκατάστασης συστήματος παρακολούθησης εισροών – εκροών και παροχή διευκρινίσεων σχετικά με προβλεπόμενες κυρώσεις επί των ανωτέρω δηλώσεων.»
- ΠΟΛ. 1009 Installation of an Integrated Inputs - Outputs Control System at gas stations and ensuring transactions through it." (Sheet No. 72, 01-27-2012)
- ΠΟΛ. 1203 Amendment of the Joint Ministerial Decree1009/4.1.2012 (OGG 72 B΄) "Installation of an Integrated Input-Output Control System at gas stations and assurance through it." (20/12/2012)
- ΠΟΛ 1032/ 21-02-2013 «Dispatch of data from gas stations where input-output systems have been installed».
- Φ2−1617/7.12.2010 (ΦΕΚ 1980 Β ́), Article 2, "Procedures and specifications for the installation and control of integrated input - output monitoring systems at gas stations. Requirements for compliance, recording, operation and assurance of measurements and electronic data transmission"
- Φ2-2022 Amendment of the joint ministerial decree Φ2−1617/7.12.2010 (ΦΕΚ 1980 Β ́) «Procedures and specifications for the installation and control of integrated input-output monitoring systems at gas stations. Requirements for compliance, recording, operation and assurance of measurements and electronic data transmission" (20/12/2012)
- Φ2-515. Extension of phase I Inputs - Outputs.Amendment of the joint ministerial decree Φ2−1617/7.12.2010 (ΦΕΚ 548/5/3/2014) "Procedures and specifications for the installation and control of integrated input-output monitoring systems at petrol stations. Requirements for compliance, recording, operation and assurance of measurements and electronic data transmission"
- Decision on a single operating livence for the decision ΟΙΚ. 40534/4859, AmendeΤροποποίηση της Κ.Υ.Α. 1617/7.12.2010 (ΦΕΚ 2041/22-8-2013) "Procedures and specifications for the installation and control of integrated input-output monitoring systems at gas stations. Requirements for compliance, recording, operation and assurance of measurements and electronic data transmission
- ΕΓΚΥΚΛΙΟΣ οικ.556883/6897: «Provision of clarifications on volumetric tables of fuel and energy supply station Tanks».
- Αριθ. ΔΕΦΚ Α 5010479 ΕΞ 2014 : "Procedures and specifications for the installation and control of integrated input-output monitoring systems in tax warehouses and energy product customs storage warehouses. Requirements for compliance, operation, recording and assurance of measurements and electronic data transmission. Implementation schedule , type and content of the data provided by this system""
- Decision No. Β2−829Α for state aid at gas station (ΦΕΚ 540/7-3-2013), "Allocation of credits from the Public Investment Program for the aid action: Modernization of Gas Stations"
- LAW 4093: Approval of 2013-2016 Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy Framework - Urgent Implementation Measures of Law 4046/2012 and 2013-2016 Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy Framework.
- Φ2-1871 (ΦΕΚ 120 29/5/2013), Special sanction on "Categorization of violations - determination of the procedure for imposing administrative sanctions for violations of the provisions concerning the integrated input-output monitoring systems at gas stations." (Sheet No. 2173 /2-9-2013)
- L. 4155 (ΦΕΚ 120 29/5/2013), Άρθρο 42, Amendment of Law 4072, General sanction on “Input-output systems at gas stations"
- Φ2-518 (Amendement of the decision Φ2−1871/2013 ΦΕΚ 2173/ Β΄/2013) "Categorization of violations - determination of the process of imposition of administrative sanctions for violations of the provisions related to the integrated systems for monitoring inputs-outputs at gas stations."
- L.3784, Sheet No. 137/07-08-2009
- ΦΕΚ Β' 2237/10-9-2013 Installation of Integrated Control Systems and electronic transmission of Input - Output data at the heating oil sellers facilities and ensuring transactions through them.
- ΦΕΚ Β' 1156/7-5-2014 “Procedures and specifications for the installation and control of integrated input-output monitoring systems in tax warehouses and customs storage warehouses for energy products. Requirements for compliance, operation, recording and assurance of measurements and electronic data transmission. Implementation schedule, type and content of the data provided by this system."
- Decision No. 48941/ Ν.3564 (ΦΕΚ Αρ. 3052 18/11/2012), «Installation of an electronic positioning system (GPS) in means of transport of petroleum products».
- Decision 30376/3284, Amendment/extension of the joint ministerial decree No. 48941/ Ν.3564/16−11−2012 κοινής υπουργικής απόφασης, (ΦΕΚ 1818/25-7-2013) «Installation of an electronic positioning system (GPS) in means of transport of petroleum products».
- No. 30/005/648 «Διαδικασίες για την ογκομέτρηση και έγκριση χρήσης δεξαμενών αποθήκευσης ενεργειακών προϊόντων υπό καθεστώς αναστολής των δασμοφορολογικών επιβαρύνσεων»
- No. Δ18Γ 5040305 ΕΞ 2013 Amendment of the Decision No. 30/005/648/19.9.2013 of the Minister of Finance (ΦΕΚ Β΄ 2406) «Procedures on the volume measurement and approval of the use of energy product storage tanks under a regime of suspension of customs duties».
- Αριθμ. 30/005/161 Amendment of the Decision No. 30/005/618/19-9-2013 (ΦΕΚ2406/Β΄) «Procedures on the volume measurement and approval of the use of energy product storage tanks as part of suspension of customs duties"
NEW 18/10/2018 Updated version of file fuelflows.xsd (v.1.2.)
Joint Information Details (20/12/2012)
- Through the Input/ Output Register
The gas station owner must log in to the Gas Station’s Taxisnet register and create a report request in which he/she must submit a question or request. When the report is answered by an employee, he/she will find the answer written right below the request/question.
Issues related to cancellation of finalization or reset e-token are only made after a report request and not via e-mail
- Via e-mail
For institutional or technical issues and special procedural questions related to inputs-outputs, send us an email at date.1.fuel@aade.gr
- Volumetric table creation instructions
- Register of gas stations/ installers (20/12/2012)
- Records of input- output (20/12/2012)
- CONCLUSION of operational specifications of an input- output system (20/12/2012)
- File specifications
- Installers’ Table register