Declaration submission platform for liquid fuel input - output systems

Συστήματα εισροών - εκροών υγρών καυσίμων


Welcome to the Declaration Submission Platform for Liquid Fuel Input-Output Monitoring Systems.

On this Platform, the following can submit electronic declarations to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue:

  • The software manufacturers of inflow-outflow monitoring systems at Liquid Fuel Stations and Heating Oil Vendor Facilities both for the initial and for each new software version declaring that the software of the installed input-output system unfailingly meets the requirements of the existing legislation (par. 9 of article 6 of JMD (B’ 1980) No. Φ2-1617/2010, as applicable)
  • The installers of liquid fuel input-output monitoring systems that have been posted on the website of the Ministry of Development & Investments, for each installation they implement and after each system’s commencement of operation, regarding its correct and legal operation (par. 2 of article 8 of JMD (B’ 1980) No. Φ2-1617/2010, as applicable)

Access to the application is carried out with the personal access codes of the legal representative of the company (software manufacturer and/or installer) on Taxisnet. For more information, please refer to the instructions for use available below.
We inform you that the registration of statements (by the software manufacturer and/or installer) are submitted to the application only for changes made after 19.12.2022, both for each new software and/or for each new version of manufactured software, as well as for each new installation of an input-output monitoring system.

Instrustions for use

The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR), with respect to your personal data, applies the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and informs you about the way it processes your personal data as well as about the relevant legislative framework on data protection and tax and customs secrecy. You can find more information on the relevant IAPR website by clicking here.