Family allowance (Α21)
Here you can view the Applications- Statements (A21 forms) you have submitted for granting the unified child support allowance and the special allowance for families with three or more children until 2017.
Applications for the child allowance as of 2018 are submitted online via IDIKA S.A. at or via OPEKA
Relevant provisions- Decisions- Circulars
- Ν. 4093/2012 as replaced and supplemented by Laws ν. 4111/2013, ν. 4144/2013 και ν. 4170/2013
- Ν.4141/2013.
- Common Ministerial Decree No. Δ27/οικ.15239/645/2013 (OGG 1227 Β΄) as amended by the decision No. Δ27/οικ.7943/263/2014 (OGG 701 Β’)