Heating allowance- myΘέρμανση

On the myThermansi platform, of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, you can:

  • submit an application for inclusion in the Register of Beneficiaries of the Heating Allowance for internal combustion heating oil, other fuels or electricity,
  • state the thousands of heating costs among the tenants of an apartment building.

For the other fuels (natural gas, LPG, firewood, biomass - pellets, thermal energy through district heating, "blue kerosene" lighting oil), apart from heating oil and electricity, you can submit details of the documents.







  • December 6, 2024, to submit an application
Step by Step (Application Submission)
  1. Select whether you live in a detached house or an apartment building (applies only to the case of internal combustion heating oil).
  2. Select whether you are an owner or a tenant, so fill in the owner’s/grantor’s TIN (applies only to the case of internal combustion heating oil).
  3. Select fuel type
  4. Fill in the Power Supply Number
  5. Select settlement *
  6. Fill in the sq.m. of the residence
  7. Fill in the IBAN account number in myAADE through the Registry & Contact platform.

 * If the list of settlements does not show the one that corresponds to your supply, contact the Taxpayer Service Center at 2131621000.

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