Repayable Advance payment- Brief description of the action

The action entitled “Repayable Advance payment”, with a total budget of 1.5 billion Euros is co-financed by the Operational Program on Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation  with resources from Greece and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union (900.00 million Euros), as well as resources from the Public Investment Program (PIP), as well as from the regular budget.

 The " Repayable Advance payment ", is a support granted to businesses regardless of industry, which have been financially affected due to the appearance and spread of COVID-19 and this advance payment must be returned, either in whole or in part, under specific terms and conditions.

This support in the form of the repayable advance payment cannot be seized, is tax-free and is not offset against any debt.

The Authority granting the support, is the General Directorate of Financial Services (GDFS) of the Ministry of Finance, which, with the support of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (IAPR), will ensure the transfer of the required resources to the direct beneficiaries.