Declaration of Acceptance of Audit Acts, article 75 of Law 5104/24

Through this service, you can digitally submit the Declaration of Acceptance of the main debt arising in the context of a tax audit, in order to benefit from the fine’s reduction after the timely and full repayment of the total resulting debt.

In particular, the digital process concerns:
a) The acceptance of the direct or administrative or corrective tax assessment based on a tax return submitted following the issuance of an audit order.
b) Acceptance of the final act of Corrective Determination of Tax, fee or contribution issued following completion of the audit.

After submitting the declaration of acceptance, you can save and print its receipt of submission, which contains the details of the arrangement and the settled debt identification (SDI/TRO) that you will use for its payment.

Model of declaration of acceptance
Frequently asked questions- answers
Relevant provisions