Withholding and Prepaid Taxes Return from Salaried work and pensions, business activity, as well as from dividends, interest and rights

Here you can submit 6 different types of withholding tax returns from:

  1. Salaried work and pensions
  2. Business activity (withholding)
  3. Business activity (advance payment)
  4. Dividends
  5. Interest
  6. Rights




Application instructions for the creation of monthly files for submission
  • To run the applications, the installation Java 1.6 or latest version is required.
  • For the application, we unzip the zip file in a folder of our choice and run the corresponding jar file, which is inside the folder created.  
  • In the application of creation of files for submission, after running the application, we select File- New or File- Open to create a new declaration or edit an existing one.
  • The file merge application runs directly, using the apcmonthlyMerge2019.jar. After running the application, for user instructions, select Help- User Instructions from the menu.
  • Applications have been tested on Windows Vista and Ubuntu. On Ubuntu it is preferable to run the applications creating files for submission via terminal terminal (using the command java –jar <name_file>.jar)
Login to the monthly file submission application to get a protocol number

The tax withheld shall not be paid later than the end of the second month from the date of the payment subject to withholding.