Implementation of the necessary organizational changes in e-services provided and existing Information Systems of IAPR(former General Secretariat for Public Revenue) (IIS code 5000453)


Operational program: Public Sector Reform

Budget: 5.513.040€

Description: The object of the program is the full operational and technical integration of changes that result from the legislative establishment of the Memoranda of Economic and Financial Policy and the resulting legislative and regulating acts in productive ICT Information Systems of IAPR, in order to enforce the implementation mechanism for public policies both in the field of wider taxation and in matters of Customs interest.

Objectives: With the implementation of the program, in addition to complying with the existing and expected mandatory legal framework, the electronic services provided will be updated and new electronic services will be introduced, thus contributing to the improvement of the level of services to the parties concerned (both citizens and businesses) with IAPR and ensuring the effective-qualitative response of IAPR to the needs of “internal users” (Public Administration) with whom it cooperates for the provision of integrated services to citizens and businesses.

Expected benefits: minimum expected measurable results of the act are the following:

  • Increase of the number of electronic tax services provided to citizens and businesses
  • Increase of the number of electronic Customs services provided to businesses
  • Percentage of citizens and businesses using electronic tax services: 100%
  • Increase of the efficiency of the audit work and improvement of the working environment of auditors, tax compliance and increase of State revenues. 
  • Facilitation of the decision-making process by using valid and timely administrative information.
  • Facilitation and optimization of customs procedures by reducing processing time and costs for traders.

Directly benefiting:

  • Greek citizens and Greek businesses: simplification of tax and customs procedures, as well as the control mechanism, full digitization of transactions with IAPR.
  • EU businesses: simplification of Customs transactions processes.
  • Personnel in the competent IAPR departments: simplification of every-day operation processes aiming at the increase of its productivity


Indirectly benefiting:

  • Ministries and Bodies of the wider Public Sector:
  • Simplification of audit work procedures and provision of data for cross-checks.