Energy products vessels cargo tank registry

The implementation of the Energy Products Vessels Cargo Tank Registry is provided by no.Α.1061/12.3.2021 (1171/Β/26.3.2021) Joint Ministerial Decision.
In the « Energy Products Vessels Cargo Tank Registry» the details of tanks containing energy products, as well as other necessary information concerning bunker vessels are registered, with the aim of combating smuggling in energy products.

At the commencement of the operation of the Registry, the entities listed below must proceed with the registration of all required details and submit the supporting documentation according to the provisions of the aforementioned Joint Ministerial Decision, in order to obtain a unique registration number of the bunker vessel, within the following timeframes:

19/03/2024 until 19/05/2024: 
a. The installer of the Marine Bunkering Measurement system (Coriolis)
b. The AIS device installer
c. The charterer

19/05/2024 until 19/08/2024:
The ship-owner/operator 

Contact us

For information and clarifications regarding the operation of the Energy Products Vessels Cargo Tank Registry you can contact tel. +30 2131621000