Real Estate Transfer Tax


Real Estate Transfer Tax: In every real estate transfer for consideration, a tax is imposed on its value, and the buyer is liable for its payment. Before drawing up the transfer contract, the seller and the buyer submit a joint Real Estate Transfer Tax (FMA) declaration. 

The initial timely Real Estate Transfer Tax returns located in areas where the system of objective property value determination applies, are submitted digitally through the IAPR’s myPROPERTY application by the notary (Dec. 1110/2022).
Other returns are submitted in print form through the “My Applications” application, in the digital portal myAADE or by sending them by post or registered letter or by depositing them in the protocol service of the competent Tax Office.
In any case, the buyer’s Income Tax Office is responsible for submitting the Tax returns.

Exemptions from the Real Estate Transfer Tax

What generally applies

The tax legislation provides for the securing of tax exemptions in the case of the purchase of a first residence.

When does this exemption apply?

In the case of buying a first residence (house, apartment or plot). That is, when, at the time of the transfer (acquisition) of the property, neither you nor any other member of your family have the right to full ownership, usufruct or occupancy in another property that meets your housing needs. In order to determine whether your housing needs are covered, more specific conditions are examined that are related to both your personal and family situation as well as any other property you own. 
More information on beneficiaries and the conditions for exemption from FMA can be found in the “Q&A MANUAL ON IAPR’s TAX MATTERS (ATHENS, MAY 2023).”

The case of PWDs

Especially for PWDs with a disability of 67% or more, the Greek state has ensured that the exemption for purchasing a first home is greater than the current one.
In particular, the exemption is granted:

  • For the purchase of a residence by an unmarried person up to an amount of 200,000 euros, and by an unmarried person with a disability rate of at least 67% up to an amount of 250,000 euros.
  • For the purchase of a residence by a married person up to an amount of 250,000 euros, and by a married person with a disability rate of at least 67% up to an amount of 275,000 euros. In the case of the purchase of a residence by a married person who has dependent children, regardless of their age, who have the same disability, this amount is increased by 25,000 euros for each of their first two children and by 30,000 euros for the third and each of the subsequent ones.
  • The housing needs of an unmarried or married person are covered with 70 sq. m., and the housing needs of an unmarried or married person with a disability rate of at least 67% are covered with 90 sq. m. In any case, the housing needs are increased by 25 sq. m. for the first two children and by 30 sq. m. for each of the subsequent ones.
  • In the event that a residence is purchased, the amount of the exemption includes the value of a car parking space with a surface of 20 sq. m. and a storage area of 20 sq. m., provided that they are located on the same property and acquired at the same time with the same purchase contract.

Table of Main Exemptions

Buying a first residence

  what generally applies what applies for PWDs
Tax-free amount for unmarried up to 200,000 euros up to 250,000 euros
Tax-free amount for married up to 250,000 euros up to 275,000 euros
Housing needs are met with 70 sq. m. 90 sq. m.


This amount is increased by €25,000 for each of their first two children and by €30,000 for the third and each of the subsequent children.