Electronic Registry of Alcoholic Beverage Professionals - Electronic Alcoholic Beverage Identification System (Lotify)

Economic operators that produce, import, receive from other companies, or have ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages through wholesale within the country:

  1. are registered in the electronic registry of alcoholic beverage professionals and
  2. register the daily movements, based on the batch indication and other data, of the products in question,

in accordance with joint decrees A.1263/23-12-2021 (B' 6317) and A.1077/19-05-2023 (B' 3469) of the Deputy Minister of Finance and the Governor of the IAPR.

Instructions for use

For support issues, please contact the Taxpayer Service Center at

Tel.: (+30) 213 162 1000 (opening hours: working days 07:30 - 17:00)

or with the form for submitting questions to the IAPR in the myAADE section of certified users.

Update - Trial data submissions to the Electronic Alcoholic Beverage Identification System (Lotify)
Message Specifications

Alcoholic Beverage Professionals Electronic Registry Subsystem - Electronic Alcoholic Beverage Identification System (Lotify)

The specifications of the XML messages (XSD files) are published on our website to enable traders to develop relevant information systems for the production of relevant messages (The consolidated zip file also contains the file of each version’s specifications)

- The XML message specifications (XSD files) are currently available only in the Greek pages section



