Ethyl alcohol





Regulation (ΕC) 3199/93

On the mutual recognition of procedures for the complete denaturing of alcohol for the purposes of exemption from excise duty

L 288/23-11-1993


Implementing  Regulation (ΕU) 2018/1880

Amending Regulation (EC) No 3199/93 on the mutual recognition of procedures for the complete denaturing of alcohol for the purposes of exemption from excise duty

L 307/03-12-2018





Law 2969/2001

Ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products

Government Gazette 281/Α/2001


Law  3583/2007 (article 2)

(Amendment of Law 2969/2001)

Government Gazette 142/Α/2007


Law  4303/2014 (article 2)

(Amendment of Law 2969/2001)

Government Gazette 231/Α/2014


Law  4336/2015 (article 2 subpar. d6)

(Amendment of Law 2969/2001)

Government Gazette  94/Α/2015


Law  4389/2016 (article 66)

(Amendment of Law 2969/2001)

Government Gazette  94/Α/2016


Law  4446/2016 (article 107)

(Amendment of Law 2969/2001)

Government Gazette 240/Α/2016


Law  4537/2018 (article 121)

(Amendment of Law 2969/2001)

Government Gazette 84/Α/2018


Law  4583/2018 (article 69)

(Amendment of Law 2969/2001)

Government Gazette 212/Α/2018


Law  4587/2018 (article 55)

(Amendment of Law 2969/2001)

Government Gazette 218/Α/2018

1.9 Law  4916/2022
(article 34, 35, 36)
(Amendment of Law 2969/2001) Government Gazette  65/Α/2022


Law  2960/2001

National Customs Code

Government Gazette 265/Α/2001


Ministry of Finance Decision
Α.Υ.O.Ο. Φ.1554/811/2008

Conditions and formalities for the denaturing and exemption from the excise duty of ethyl alcohol received by industries and craft industries


Government Gazette 2694/Β/2008




Ministry of Finance Decision Α.Υ.Ο. ΔΕΦΚ5000214ΕΞ2009

1554/811/2008 Ministry of Finance Decision "Conditions and formalities for the denaturing and exemption from the excise duty of ethyl alcohol received by industries and craft industries"

Government Gazette 13/Β/2010



Ministry of Finance Decision Α.Υ.Ο. ΔΕΦΚ Γ 5047848 ΕΞ 2012

Amendment and supplementation of the ΑΥΟΟ Φ 1554/811/2008 Ministry of Finance Decision "Conditions and formalities for the denaturing and exemption from the excise duty of ethyl alcohol received by industries and craft industries"

Government Gazette 3455/Β/2012


3.3 Ministry of Finance Decision Α.Υ.Ο. Α.1056/2020 Ministry of Finance Decision Α.Υ.Ο. Α .1056/2020 Government Gazette 1020/Β/2020


Α.Υ.O. 3002475/383/0029/2010

Operation of distilleries

Government Gazette 162/Β/2010


Α.Υ.O. 30/003/000/3623/2015

Amendment of Decisions No. 3002475/383/0029/2-2-2010 "Operation of distilleries" and 30/077/2131/31-8-2011 "Production and distribution of alcoholic beverages"

Government Gazette 2231/Β/2015


Α.Υ.O.  30/003/000/498/2016

Amendment of No. 3002475/383/0029/2010 ΑΥΟ

"Operation of distilleries"

Government Gazette 329/Β/2016


Α.Υ.O. 3006682/1105/0029/2010

Ethyl alcohol denaturants

Government Gazette528/Β/2010


Ministry of Finance Decision Α.Υ.Ο. 30/077/2705/2011

Amendment of Ministry of Finance Decision 3006682/1105/0029/2010 "Denaturants of ethyl alcohol"


Government Gazette 2553/Β/2011



Ministry of Finance Decision Α.Υ.Ο. 30/003/000/1026/2016

Terms and conditions for the complete denaturing of ethyl alcohol, preparation, disposal and bottling of fully denatured ethyl alcohol

Government Gazette 755/Β/2016


6.1 Ministry of Finance Decision Α.Υ.Ο. Α.1141/2020 (Amendment of no. 30/003/000/1026/2016 Α.Υ.Ο. Ministry of Finance Decision) Government Gazette 2445/Β/2020


Decision IAPR Governor 

Formalities and procedures for the approval of the use of ethyl alcohol tanks and alcoholic products of category A and B distillers and of tax warehouses for the marketing of such products

Government Gazette 914/Β/2018


Decision. IAPR Governor 

Extension of the time limit for the titration of ethyl alcohol tanks and alcoholic products of category A and B distillers and of tax warehouses for the marketing of such products Government Gazette 2196/Β/2020


Ministry of Finance Decision Α.Υ.Ο. 30/003/000/1614/2018

Formalities and procedures for the approval of the use of ethyl alcohol tanks and beverages with alcohol of Articles 80, 86, 88, 90 and 92 of Law 2960/2001 respectively

Government Gazette 1624/Β/2018

8.1 Ministry of Finance Decision  Α.1071/2020 Extension of the deadline for titration of ethyl alcohol tanks and alcohol beverages of Articles 80, 86, 88 and 92 of Law 2960/2001 Government Gazette 1213/Β/2020


Ministry of Finance Decision  30/003/000/568/2019

(a) Conditions, formalities and procedures for denaturing and receiving bioethanol for the purpose of mixing it with petrol for use as motor fuel and controlling its legal use

Government Gazette 566/Β/2019

10 Joint Ministerial Decision 1723/179088/2020 Determination of the detailed rules for the application of the measure of wine distillation in case of crisis under Article 3 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/592 Government Gazette 2764/Β/2020
10.1 J.M.D. 1869/191097/2020 (Amendment of no. 1723/179088/3-7-2020 J.M.D.) Government Gazette 2883/Β/2020
10.2 J.M.D. 1893/193770/2020 (Amendment of no. 1723/179088/3-7-2020 J.M.D) Government Gazette 2950/Β/2020
10.3 J.M.D. 2113/214456/2020 (Amendment of no. 1723/179088/3-7-2020 J.M.D) Government Gazette 3233/Β/2020
10.4 J.M.D. 2499/258466/2020 (Amendment of no. 1723/179088/3-7-2020 J.M.D) Government Gazette 4129/Β/2020
11 Law  4675/2020 (article 17) Disposal of seized or confiscated ethyl alcohol for the purpose of the manufacture of antiseptic Government Gazette 54/Α/2020
12 Law  4683/2020 {article 1[article 23 of 20.3.2020 Π.Ν.Π. (Α΄68)]} Import of denatured ethyl alcohol Government Gazette 83/Α/2020
12.1 Law  4722/2020 article 1 {[article 3 of 10-08-2020 Π.Ν.Π. (Α΄68)]}

Imports of denatured ethyl alcohol
(Extension of validity of the twenty-third article of the 20.3.2020 Decision-Law)

Government Gazette 177/Α/2020
12.2 Law  4764/2020 (article 19)

Imports of denatured ethyl alcohol
(Extension of validity of the twenty-third article of the 20.3.2020 Decision-Law)

Government Gazette256/Α/2020
13 Law  4690/2020 (article 17) Free distribution of ethyl alcohol to the Ministry of Health by legal holders and from the unclaimed stocks of IAPR for use by hospitals, infirmaries and other public institutions for medical purposes or for the manufacture of antiseptics Government Gazette 104/Α/2020
13.1 Law  4764/2020 (article 20)

Free distribution of ethyl alcohol to the Ministry of Health by legal holders and from the unclaimed reserves of IAPR for use by hospitals, indirmaries and other public institutions for medical purposes or for the manufacture of antiseptics
(Extension of the validity of article 17 of Law 4690/2020)

Government Gazette 256/Α /2020