
Only plain white and green soaps without colourings, flavourings, essential oils, herbs, fruits or other additives etc. fall within the competence of the Directorate.

JMD No 1436/1965 (Government Gazette No 852/B/22.12.1965), as amended and supplemented by JMD No 732/1966 (Government Gazette No 492/B/8.8.1966) and JMD No 861/1968 (Government Gazette No 539/B/15.10.1968), lays down the conditions and specifications which the soaps described in the abovementioned  Decision must meet when placed on the Greek market and the corresponding labelling. That legislation does not provide for the obligation for the GCSL to authorise laboratories for the manufacture of soaps.

When soaps bear labelling and indications in general on the packaging, different and/or additional to those laid down in the above Decision, they fall within the scope of other sectoral legislation (e.g. cosmetics, detergents, etc.) and are obliged to comply with the provisions of the respective legislation.

Soaps legislation
  • JMD 1436/65, Government Gazette 852/B/22.12.1965 on the amendment and codification into a single set of conditions to be met by all types of soaps intended for consumption.
  • Supplements:

- KYA 732/66, ΦΕΚ 492/Β’/08.08.1966

On the fatty acid content of first quality white soya beans presented in the form of cones and leaflets

 - KYA Απόφαση ΑΧΣ 861/68 ΦΕΚ 539/Β’/15.10.1968

 Supplementing Α.Χ.Σ. Decision No 1436/65 on soaps

Note: Royal Decree 200, Government Gazette 200/A/22.05.1939