Version 1.0.3
v1.0.3 – Implementation of Decisions 1300/2020 and 1060/2021 – containing:
- A 1300/2020 par. 8 inclusion of new VAT entries, other taxes etc.
- Integration of a new xsd (1.0.3) as determined by the decision 1300/2020 and the decision on fuels 1060/2021.
- Changes in document 8.1. Rents – Income the stamp duties must become optionally instead of mandatorily blank.
- Changes in document 16.1 Rent – Expense the stamp duties must become optionally instead of mandatorily blank.
- In documents 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 14,1 14.2, 14.3 and 14.4 the following must become optionally instead of mandatorily blank:
Column 35: % withholding Tax, Column 36: Withholding Tax per%, Column 37: % of Other taxes, Column 38: Other taxes, Column 39: % Stamp duty,
Column 40: Stamp duty per %, Column 41: % of Fees, Column 42: Fees, Column 43: % of Deductions, Column 44: Deductions
- Technical description of interfaces REST API for data transmission & reception for ERP users (version 1.0.3)
- Technical description of interfaces REST API for data transmission & reception from Electronic Invoicing Providers (Version 1.0.3)
- version v1.0.3 XSDs (zip)