Electronic payments of customs debts during special holidays interbank transactions in the year 2018.

We would like to remind you that, in accordance with article 11 of Law no 3336/20.04.2005, Friday March 30th and Monday 2 April 2018 (Good Friday and Easter Monday Catholic respectively) are defined as special interbank holidays days.

During these days, the DIAS Payment System would not operate due to the TARGET2 system holiday and therefore:no payment transaction records will be exchanged with the Banks and the Managed Organizations.

2. Nevertheless, all on-line electronic payments of ICISnet will normally be processed..

3. electronic payments of ICISnet that will be held in selected date (not on line), will be sent to ICISnet (with batch file) on Tuesday 3 April 2018, when they will be processed in order to promote customs procedure ( release of goods, etc) Therefore, please:

A) taking into account the aforementioned bank holidays on any deadlines for established debts and other obligations..

B) as informed by the credit institutions, you are working with, for the form of electronic payment they apply in their transactions.

1. There will be no liquidations and settlements and