Submission of a certificate of income or pensions- fees- dividends- interest or rights

Here you can submit:

  • A list of the certificates of income or pensions
  • A list of the certificates of income from business activity
  • A list of certificates of income from dividends, interest, rights.
  • Java 1.6 or latest version is necessary to run the applications.
  • The file merge application runs directly, using the apcMerge2024.jar executable file.
  • For the other applications, we unzip the zip file in a folder of our choice and run the corresponding jar file, which is inside the resulting folder.
  • In the file creation application for submission, after running the application, we select the File-New or File-Open menu to create a new statement or edit an existing one respectively.
  • For the Excel file conversion application, there is a sample xls file inside the add-ons folder of the application.
  • Applications have been tested on Windows Vista and Ubuntu. On Ubuntu, it is preferable to run the applications creating files for submission via terminal (using the command java –jar <file_name>.jar)
  • For public bodies: Liquidators who already have credentials (from the B Copy) will use the existing ones. New liquidators who will need credentials must fill-in the Liquidator Census Form (here) and send it via email at:
  • Contact numbers for additional information: 213-1411265 and 213-1411263. The submission of certificates is made separately for each service. By logging into the application using the login codes, the liquidator only sees the records of certificates concerning the service for which the specific login codes have been issued. If a liquidator has multiple entry codes which relate to different services, he shall submit a separate file for each service, using the respective entry codes.