
Studying at the Tax and Customs Academy (FOTA) of IAPR

  • The new employees of IAPR, who are appointed to the Tax and Customs Academy (FOTA) of IAPR, attend a mandatory introductory training program before their placement in the services of IAPR.
  • Their allocation to the individual sections of each educational series is done by the Tax and Customs Academy.
  • The training program includes theoretical and practical training, which is structured in four (4) successive stages as follows: 
    • The stage of theoretical education, in which basic knowledge of tax or customs subjects is provided, as the case may be. 
    • The stage of general practical training, in which trainees are familiarized with the work of the placement service through a circular rotation in this service’s departments. 
    • The stage of theoretical training in one of the operational sectors (directions) of the tax or customs sector respectively. 
    • The stage of the relevant practical orientation training for the smooth integration into the employment position.


Statement of preference for practical training service (if requested)

The Tax and Customs Academy of IAPR may ask the trainee employees to submit a statement of preference for the service in which they wish to carry out their internship, both for the stage of general training (1st internship) and the stage of orientation (2nd practice). Among the alternatives available to trainees is the placement service or the equivalent service of the prefecture/island of their place of residence or interests, if the placement service is located in another prefecture. It is noted that this statement is not binding for the service and may be requested before the start of each internship stage.


Training program information

For the detailed training program, new employees will be informed by email, which will be sent to their email address on the day of their swearing-in.
i. Duration of study
The total duration of study at the Tax and Customs Academy of IAPR does not exceed nine (9) months, including both the theoretical and practical training of employees.
New employees receive an e-mail message from FOTA after their swearing-in, with instructions for entering the online platform for the implementation of the theoretical training (through the ePresence platform, when implemented by the distance education method) and the e-learning platform (eLearning) of FOTA, in which the information regarding their training program will be posted and through which they will be informed about every relevant issue during the program.
ii. Carrying out the training
The theoretical stages of the training program can be implemented by the method of physical presence or distance learning or a hybrid form according to the needs formed in each training series. In any case, the trainees are informed in time about how to implement these stages. In the case of physical presence, the theoretical training is implemented at FOTA's facilities in the area of Ilioupoli, Attica. In the case of distance education, the theoretical stage is carried out through the epresence platform (Zoom-based) and participants should have appropriate equipment (computer, camera, microphone) and internet connection according to instructions provided by FOTA.
The practical training stage is implemented in IAPR services according to a relevant decision on behalf of FOTA.
iii. Dates and times
The theoretical training takes place from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am until 15.00. 
The practical training takes place from Monday to Friday, within the operating hours of the service implementing it.

iv. Absences
The employee in training can use the leaves provided for in the civil service code and within the limits provided for in the regulation of mandatory training for new employees in the IAPR.
v. Content of the educational program of the first stage of theoretical education
Main Thematic sections:
a. For tax officials:

•    Income Tax
•    VAT and Stamp Fees
•    Real Estate Taxation
•    Public Revenue Collection Matters
•    Tax Procedure Code
•    Accounting / Greek Accounting Standards (ELP)
•    Partial On-Site Control
b. For customs officials:
•    Customs Procedures
•    Tariffs
•    Excise Taxes
•    VAT
•    Customs Control and Risk Analysis
•    Public Material Management
•    Customs Management
•    ICISNet Information System.
vi. Educational material
The educational material is distributed to the trainees in a digital format, through the specially configured electronic platform to support the FOTA education (eLearning platform).

Relevant instructions for accessing the platform are provided to new employees upon their arrival at the Tax and Customs Academy.
vii. Evaluation of new employees during their studies
The progress and adequacy of the participants’ knowledge in the introductory training program is assessed during it through written and oral tests of FOTA and through the report of the person responsible for the internships.
viii. Tax and Customs Academy facilities

FOTA is housed in a building at 86-88 Marinou Antipa Avenue, in Ilioupoli, Attica.