
i. Place and time of swearing-in

The swearing-in takes place on the date of your arrival either at the organic position service or at the Tax and Customs Academy with the start of the introductory training program.
After the issuance of the Government Gazette of your appointment, Department B of the Human Resources Management Directorate of IAPR informs in writing both of the appointment gazette number and of the exact place and time where your swearing-in will take place, at which you are obliged to appear in person.


ii. What the appointees must have with them during their swearing-in

On the day of your swearing-in, you must have with you:

  • your police ID card and
  • the announcement of the appointment.

iii. Protocol of swearing-in and assumption of service

After the completion of the swearing-in, the service in which it took place draws up the relevant protocol and service assumption document of the employees.