I wish to sell my property

As a property owner in Greece, you can sell your property. In this case, you have the following main tax obligations:

  • have all your tax obligations settled

To sell your property, you must have all your tax obligations settled (debts and submission of returns) arising from ownership and use of the property and described in the corresponding sections.

  • issue a Unified Property Tax (ENFIA) Certificate

In addition, to see your property, you must issue a Unified Property Tax (ENFIA) Certificate.

  • submit a Property Data Statement (E9)

After the property sale, you must submit a Property Data Statement (E9) by May 31st of the year  following the issue date.


Learn more about:

  • the Unified Property Tax (ENFIA)

ENFIA is an annual tax assessed on the properties you own on January 1st of each year, regardless of any changes that may have occurred to those properties during the year.


See also:

  • The E9 Statement/ENFIA application for more information on E9 Statement and ENFIA Certificate.