I want to lease my property (short-term lease)

As a property owner in Greece, you have the possibility to utilize (lease) your property in short-term lease status by uploading it on digital platforms. In this case you have the following basic tax obligations:

  • State the details of the lease
  • Register online in the Registry of Short -Term Lease Properties in order to get a Property Register Number (P.R.N.)
  • Upload the P.R.N. on every digital platform through which you are leasing your property for a short term
  • File electronically a Short-term Accommodation Declaration for each short-term lease carried out as part of sharing economy using the application for Short-term Property Lease
  • Finalize your data image of the Registry of Short -Term Lease Properties until the 28/02 of each year, so that the taxable income created in the previous year can be determined per income beneficiary.


  • declare the income you collect from the lease of your property
  • fill out the Detailed List for the Property rents (form E2)
  • file the Income Tax Return (form E1)


See also: