Tanker Vehicles for Energy Products
The Register of Tank Truck Vehicles for Energy Products is a digital platform where information and data related to Private Use Trucks (Φ.Ι.Χ.) and Public Use Trucks (Φ.Δ.Χ.) used for the transportation of energy products listed under items (α) to (ιη) and (κβ) to (κστ) of paragraph 1, Article 73 of Law 2960/2001 (Government Gazette A'265), as amended and currently in force, which are either under a suspension regime for customs and tax duties or for which all such duties have been fully paid. Registration in the Tank Truck Registry is mandatory for both privately owned (Φ.Ι.Χ.) and publicly owned (Φ.Δ.Χ.) vehicles, in accordance with Joint Ministerial Decision No. A.1158/05.11.2024 (Government Gazette B'6126).
Data is entered by:
1. The owners of tanker vehicles
2. Telematics service providers approved by the Committee for the Certification of Telematics Providers
3. Accredited Volumetric Entities.
Important Dates:
- 06/12/2024: Launch of the operational phase of the Register of Tank Truck Vehicles for Energy Products
- 20/01/2025: Deadline for data submission by obligated tanker vehicle owners and telematics service providers
Required Actions:
Registration and Data Submission to the Registry
Upon the launch of the operational phase of the Register of Tank Truck Vehicles:
- (a) Tanker vehicle owners transporting energy products and
(b) Accredited calibration entities,
are required to register and upload the information specified in paragraphs 1 and 3, respectively, of Article 3 of the Joint Ministerial Decision (JMD), within 45 calendar days. - Telematics service providers are required to register and upload the information specified in paragraph 2 of Article 3 to the Tanker Vehicle Tank Registry within 45 calendar days from the date the approval decision under Article 4 of the JMD is published on the IAPR website.
In the coming days, detailed instructions will be provided regarding the process for submitting an application for access to the digital platform of the Register of Tank Truck Vehicles for Energy Products. These instructions will be directed at entities seeking approval from the Committee for the Certification of Telematics Providers under Article 4 of Joint Ministerial Decision A.1158/05.11.2024 (Government Gazette B’ 6126).
- A.1158/05.11.2024 (Government Gazette B’ 6126): "Terms and conditions, obligated parties, data to be recorded, and the process for electronic registration of tanks on transportation vehicles, including Private Use Trucks (P.U.T.) and Public Use Trucks (P.U.T.) transporting energy products, in the digital platform of the Tanker Vehicle Tank Registry of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR), the precise implementation timeline, and access to the Registry's data for services."
- Law 3054 (Government Gazette A’ 230, 02/10/2002):, "Organization of the petroleum market and other provisions."
- Law 4072 (Government Gazette A’ 86, 11/04/2012): Amendment to Law 3054, "Improvement of the business environment in the petroleum market."
- Decision oik. 48941/Law 3564 (Government Gazette A’ 3052, 18/11/2012): , "Installation of electronic GPS tracking systems on transportation vehicles for petroleum products."
- Decision oik. 30376/3284 (Government Gazette A’ 1818, 25/07/2013): " Amendment/extension to Decision oik. 48941/Law 3564/16-11-2012 regarding "Installation of electronic GPS tracking systems on transportation vehicles for petroleum products."
- Ministerial Decision G.D.A.P.L.P.S. 4008228/2018 (Government Gazette B’ 5650, 17/12/2018): "Operation of the Information System – Signal Receiving Center for Monitoring Fuel Transportation."
Tank Calibration Accreditation
- Decision 30/005/648 "Procedures for the calibration and approval of storage tanks for energy products under the suspension regime for customs and tax obligations."
- Decision Δ18Γ 5040305 ΕΞ 2013 (Government Gazette B’ 2406): «Amendment to Decision 30/005/648/19.9.2013 by the Minister of Finance on "Procedures for the calibration and approval of storage tanks for energy products under the suspension regime for customs and tax obligations."
- Decision 30/005/161: "Amendment to Decision 30/005/648/19-9-2013 (Government Gazette B’ 2406) regarding "Procedures for the calibration and approval of storage tanks for energy products under the suspension regime for customs and tax obligations."
- Protocol Number: E.2017 (Athens, 30 January 2020):"Provision of instructions regarding the calibration of tanker vehicle tanks for liquid fuel transportation."
For institutional or technical matters and specific process-related inquiries, please contact via email at: date.vytia@aade.gr