About UUM&DS-GR Login

UUM&DS-GR Login is the Greek Authentication Service that implements the Uniform User Management & Digital Signatures (UUM&DS) specifications.
The UUM&DS system implements identity federation between the Commission and all 28 Member States' identity and access management systems for the purposes of providing secure authorised access to the EU Customs electronic systems for EU Economic operators and persons other than the economic operators. UUM&DS system allows authorised users to access EU Customs systems, using their national credentials (the same credentials they are using for their national Customs IT System).
Registered users of the Greek Customs System (i.e. ICISnet) will have to use their TAXISnet/ICISnet credentials.

The UUM&DS system is a business agnostic infrastructure for all applications it supports. Once a user has logged in through UUM&DS-GR Login, what follows depends on the application accessed, and not on UUM&DS-GR Login itself.
The UUM&DS system can also be used by Economic Operators for managing the authorisation assignments (delegations) to their delegated users such as:

  1. first level delegation: customs representatives for the economic operators (CR) or employees of the economic operators (EMPL)
  2. second level delegation: employee of a customs representative for an economic operator