Submitting Declarations of Compatibility
Entities engaged in the import, manufacture and marketing of Online Tax Mechanisms (FIM), with headquarters or permanent establishment in Greece, as well as entities active in the Greek territory in the field of construction and technical support for the installation and operation of Commercial /Accounting Management Programs (ERP) declare the compatibility of the types of FIM that have or are about to receive a license of suitability, or of the Commercial /Accounting Management Programs (ERP), as the case may be, with the types of Payment Means regarding the operation and interface requirements with IAPR.
Declarations of Compatibility must be submitted by:
- that interface with EFT/POS terminals, based on the technical specifications of Decision 1098/2022, until 19.4.2024.
- that interface with EFT/POS terminals, based on the technical specifications of Decision 1155/2023, until 17.5.2024.
- by businesses that request the granting of a license of suitability for a new type of FIM, at the time of submission of the other necessary supporting documents for the granting of the license in accordance with Decision 1068/2015.
- until 17.5.2024, unless they have or technically support a version of relevant software exclusively available to businesses that have already carried out interfacing implementations of the Cash System with their EFT/POS terminals, which do not at least allow free typing on the EFT/POS terminal, in which case the deadline is postponed until 4.10.2024.
- since they are going to make relevant software available in the Greek territory after 17.5.2024, up to and including the day before the first market availability of the aforementioned software.
As long as newer EFT/POS types are included in Declarations of Conformity, the corresponding Declarations of Compatibility regarding the possibility or not of successful interfacing with the EFT/POS types are submitted by the end of the month following the submission and posting on the digital portal "myAADE" of the respective Declarations of Conformity, which include them.