This file contains the changes to the XSDs located in the ed module for CR2-10 CR. Changes in types.xsd A new simple type was created named PayOrderIdType with length = 20 and pattern .{20} it is the equivalent of Alphanumeric_20 Changes in ef94.xsd The complex type DeclarationOfExciseTaxesPaymentType was modified and now contains a new element named PaymentOrderIdInformation of type PaymentOrderIdInformationType PaymentOrderIdInformationType is a new complex type which contains The element PayOrderId of type PayOrderIdType mentioned above and represents the payment order id The element AmountOfTaxes of type AmountOfTaxesType which is a decimal of max length 15 and precision to two decimal digits, and represents the total tax amount of a given payment order The element PaymentDueDate of type DateType which is the Date in common Era, and represents the due date of a payment order The element PaymentOrderType of type PaymentOrderTypeType which is a String of max length 50 and represents the payment order type (NORMAL, SUSPENSION) Changes in ef98.xsd The complex type DeclarationOfExciseTaxesStatusInformationType was modified and now contains a new element named PayOrderId of type PayOrderIdType which contains the payment order id Changes in es98.xsd The complex type ExciseStampsDeclarationStatusInformationType was modified and now contains a new element named PaymentOrderIdInformation of type PaymentOrderIdInformationType PaymentOrderIdInformationType is a new complex type which contains The element PayOrderId of type PayOrderIdType mentioned above and represents the payment order id The element AmountOfTaxes of type AmountOfTaxesType which is a decimal of max length 15 and precision to two decimal digits, and represents the total tax amount of a given payment order Changes from previous version EF94.xsd The complex type PayOrderIdType was replaced with the new complex type PaymentOrderIdInformationType ES98.xsd The previous version had no changes in the ES98 message